[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Vpo6GKg.png[/img] [h2][color=ed1c24]Janet[/color][/h2][/center] [i]Keg? Shit, if a bar fight occur here...[/i] Considering how good that troublemaker's temper seemed to have, words doesn't seem to get through him, the only way of talking is through fists. But, by the time she realised that, it was too late, all her javelins are strung with her hair. For once Janet had wished that she wasn't that prepared for her voyage. She deflected the man's oncoming attack, as gently as possible, but that still ignited a small explosion. The good news is that the explosion did not consume the alcohol crates; the bad news is that the flames of the explosion are encroaching towards those crates. [color=ed1c24]"EVERYONE BACK AWAY FROM THE KEGS!"[/color] Janet shouted, her words being more directed towards the bartender Bill. She was like a living time bomb here, and not to mention that she isn't good at controlling her explosions. [color=ed1c24]"Trust me, you wouldn't want to start a fight here. We can settle somewhere else,"[/color] Janet pulled out another javelin, ready to respond to that troublemaker. She hoped silently that he gets the situation, and wouldn't speed up the whole process. [i]If he could help with extinguishing the fire, that would help... But that will never happen, not in this lifetime at least...[/i]