(OOC Note to Everyone: This phase is taking longer than anticipated to complete, so what say this be the start of one final round of posting before we regroup for an abbreviated phase 3 and 4?) [@t2wave][@Hawlin] "Alright" Stryker said after a sip "Well, both of you should definitely come in handy on the rest of this whole experience. Once we regroup with the others, we'll be discussing phase three of the plan. One of you has a way to get in contact with Vanderos right? Gonna need to get the word to him in a day or so of how to proceed." [@Xandrya][@Silver Carrot][@Banana][@Simple Unicycle] "Almost got it" Kira muttered to herself as she fiddled with the control panel. She'd almost cracked through the lockdown procedure, just a wire or two left to cut and re-route before their exit plan was secured. "What do you see girls?" Kira said just as the floor shook and the dim overhead lights flickered. The Revenant must be passing by on another attack run. The control panel sparked briefly as Kira completed her hack. As soon as the shooting down in the other end of the ship stopped, they'd be ready to leave. "Revenant, Kira" She said into the comms, hoping the ship was close enough to hear her "Airlock secured, soon as you neutralize those defenses, you're cleared to dock and get us off this bucket." She stepped away and turned to face the others, raising her gun as she went. "What is it Amy?" [@Dealdric][@BKburke] The pirate's ranks were thinning by the second, especially after Tobi's massacre had kicked off. Grayson took it all in from his perch in the rafters, picking off pirates when he had a clear shot, and then he saw it. The light of a door sliding open and shut rapidly reflected off a shipping container. It had to be where the reinforcements were coming from. And odds were that wherever they were coming from was close to an armory. "9 rows back, far right side. Time to close in." "Copy that" Marcus replied. Down on the ground, he patted Vulcaan on the shoulder, a silent order for the walking tank to begin moving forward. "Ian, you and those three lag back, start prying usable armor off the corpses." He pointed out SAL, Lataniva, and Joe "The rest of you, close in, we're gonna start moving up to the coordinates Grayson found, 2 by 2 formation behind Vulcaan and Tobi. Let's finish these sons of bitches off!"