Araerys knew how hard it must have been for Yvah to paint that broken smile on her face. She knew the delicate balance of composure could be shattered by any touch or show of affection meant in support. And it took every ounce of willpower in the half-breed not to walk over and simply envelop the girl in an embrace, urge her to take whatever time she needed to grieve... Imagine? Losing a close friend like that, especially after the episode she'd [i]just[/i] had in the cathedral. Empathy was a weakness that the bard was usually in control of, but at the moment, she was drenched in the kurjian's sorrow. So when she caught Yvah's sidelong glance, Ary followed the girl like a magnet into the room across the bridge. She entered at the tail end of the omnipresent voice's sentence, taking in the tanks and the coffins, the humanoid girl who'd spoken, and most importantly, the dead end. Before any of the rest of the group came inside, Araerys reached out, gently wrapped her fingers around the feline's wrist, and briefly squeezed. She waited a beat, then released it, cleared her throat a little, and murmured, "Time fer more lockpickin', I think..." As Ellina entered behind them, Ary wiped her cheeks free of any lingering tears as she more closely examined their surroundings - namely, the coffins. They seemed to be made of some sort of stone, though what, she really couldn't make out. They looked valuable, but way too heavy to move. It was a really strange place for them to be; coupled with the fact that she knew these [b]things[/b] were not above keeping living creatures in water tanks, Araerys was fairly certain whatever these stone caskets held were going to be bad news. Even worse was the fact that they seemed to have no layer of dust on them, meaning they were probably handled in some way, and recently. She shivered slightly at the many possible meanings that held, and said, "I don't know... I've got a weird feelin' abou' them." [Hider=Spoopy coffins, mebbe?]6 Investigation tells Ary that: 1) the coffins might be stone? maybe marble? 2) probably valuable, too heavy to move. 3) the lids have no dust on them.[/hider]