[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Bro4vtx.png[/img] [hr] [hr] Being on the support team never really bothered Amy, she was with some familiar faces. Maisy, who was around the encampment that was set up by the support staff. Doc Jones, the doctor that Amy never really talk to or spoke about. Being injured was the only excuse for Amy to talk to him, albeit small and to the point. One of the biggest distractions to her work though was Lyra, her junior techie. She didn't really like her, while she was friendly to Lyra she didn't like the rivalry between the two. Both usually stuck to their own area of work, Amy with weapons, gears, and traps while Lyra worked on engines and other 'junk.' While it wasn't uncommon to see the two dabble into other areas, Amy preferred to be alone and without help. Idiotic in a survival situation but being anti-social was a behavior that stuck with her for most of her duration with the Last Hope. Working away, Amy was working on fixing a bear trap. The trap was apart and the spring required cleaning because it had been gunked up with Risen Blood and - appendages. It wasn't a pretty job or an easy one but it was one Amy was assigned to do. Maisy was obviously not in a good mood if she had to strip and clean all the portable, reusable traps they had. The thought of the recently departed, Young Ben crossed her mind as she was worked away at cleaning the blood plagued metal. She never really knew him, nor did she ever have a chance too. The thought of Ben lingered on her mind some more as the table she was working at oozed red water from the soap and lake water that thoroughly ravished the Bear Trap. Maybe he had family.[/center]