"Hurry up and put it out!" Bill shouted as the newcomer rushed out to take care of the flare. Normally, he wouldn't be so pushy, but there were lives at stake. "We don't have time." After the stranger extinguished the light, and returned into the building, asking why it was he injured himself, Bill stepped towards the door and looked up. "Maybe. Maybe not." His eyes narrowed at the long line of thick green smoke that moved up towards the heavens like vines snaking their way up a tree's trunk in order steel its light. "Depends on if any of the legion pirates are close enough to see." Frowning, Bill turned to his new cook. "He's calling for back up." On Bill's shoulder there was a towel. He tossed it over the counter and started moving towards the door. "A bunch of this bastards friends will be here soon, and when they do, they won't leave anything standing." The Boss stopped to look back one more time at his tavern, doing his best to save its current appearance to memory. "We've got to go." There was a crash as flames erupted from the woman, and quickly started making their way towards the counter, with all its life beverages behind it. "If it isn't one thing its!...." Bill sighed. "Everyone out now!" The bar's patrons didn't need to be told twice. In fact, with the exception of the main group, all the other barflies were starting to move by the time they saw the flare appear in the aggressor's hand, and most were out by the time the green smoke was pooling into the sky. Bill, didn't wait to see what the others were doing. He rushed to the door in a calm and mannerly fashion, but only if such a term could be applied to a full speed sprint which would've knocked down anyone in his way. "I'm not going anywhere!" The man behind the mask laughed. He wrapped his good arm against the man who was tending to his hand, and began pushing him towards the counter. "Freaking lunatic!" The purple haired woman yelled. She pulled on her, hoping to catch the man off balance so the cook could get free.