[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/lRxJgi6.gif[/img][/center] Location-Location: Smithy's drug and grocery store, Las Vegas (lobby) Time: About 9-10 pm in the Evening Arriving at the grocery store, Ji clung to the cup of coffee she had in her hands. It wasn't the best, but with little sleep last night, she needed it. Last night was a huge struggle with the car breaking down, luckily they had help from a couple of people that were on their way to the same location to help them out. As she got closer to the store, her form tensed. Her sensitive nose was picking up not only the witch she had met at the Museum, but the one person that was the number one cause of why her and her sister were packless. Odette and some fae. Ji about crushed her cup but she composed herself as best she could and she continued to walk. She was here for Ben. She kicked her sister slightly hearing her angry words as she continued to walk, avoiding the other people who were going around, doing their shopping. Soon she was standing next to Freya and her sister, looking anywhere but the one she hated most. She wanted to snort as she heard them talk, but tensed when she felt something very wrong. She paled as she saw the humans slowly stopped moving and fell to the ground. Ji stiffened when she heard Ben’s warning growl and she took a second to glance at him. Seeing that he was gripping the cart’s handle bar until his knuckles turned white, she knew she had to do something before he transformed again. I he continued to transform like this, he had no chance of getting through it. Slowly making her way to him, she was too late to react when, to her worse nightmare, as he transformed once again. Cursing under her breath, which could be heard by anyone with sensitive hearing could hear. She gave her sister a look that meant to watch her back as she transformed into her form with easy. Before Ben could do anything, she barked at him. [color=lavender][i]”You must control yourself Ben. You cannot let the wolf control you”[/i][/color]