Another character! [hider=Alto Pederson] [b]Name:[/b] Alto Pederson (Joshua Hart) [b]Age:[/b] 26(22) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Original Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Current Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Alto's overbearing personality have totally dwarfed that of the more meek and passive Joshua. While he may be slightly more mild he has the same disregard for safety and audacious attitude that made him good at his job. He will follow the letter of any order given but will bend the intent to suit his version of fun, often causing excessive amounts of collateral destruction. Alto tends to avoid wanton loss of life, his demolition is an art and should be witnessed by as many as possible. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Joshua hart didn't lead a particularly interesting life. No decision was really his own and even after leaving home for university that really didn't change. Even his choice of engineering wasn't really his own. Perhaps that he was reincarnated into a soldier is fitting except this soldier is far from typical. Alto Pederson is a sapper, saboteur, and a bit of a loose cannon. He'll sneak in ahead of an attack to pave the way and make things easier. The addition of Joshua's personality and memories did little to change him. Alto's personality was too strong but the newcomers knowledge helped him in his work. From sneaking into the Grandian Army at the age of 15, his career has been marked by a series of rapid promotion followed by explosions and demotions in that order. Somehow he has avoided any official punishment for his total lack of self control. He has earned the friendship of his peers by imitating and parodying any superior officer that has earned his ire. [b]Abilities:[/b] Pressure Manipulation. Alto possesses the ability to redirect and, to a lesser extent, create air pressure. Creating pressure, of course, involves gathering air and so is much easier. moving and directing existing air pressure is much easier. This allows him to direct and concentrate the force of his explosions. Other more utility based uses for this involve deadening sound and short ranged flight. [b]Skills:[/b] Disguise: Alto is adept at changing his appearance to suit a given situation. To further this, he has the knowledge to produce makeup to change his facial features and the willingness to steal whatever props he might need. Acting: To go with a disguise Alto has practiced mimicking people of various social roles and has been able to copy a given accent flawlessly. Firearms: He is a passable shot, owing to a career in the military. Explosives production and use: Alto is professionally trained in the use of explosives and can produce what he might need from raw materials. Engineering: Joshua brings to the pairing the benefit of a full, modern, structural engineering degree. [b]Equipment:[/b] An array of explosives ranging from low powered distractions to demolition charges. [b]Origin:[/b] Our World [/hider]