[url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/167898-flames-of-vytal-hunters-mettle-high-casual-world-of-remnant/ooc]OOC[/url] [Center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/2/24/Vytal_Symbol.svg/revision/latest?cb=20170112192743[/img][/Center] Welcome to Remnant, world of Huntsmen and Monsters. Take a seat, maybe stay a while. I've been really wanting to write in Remnant for a while now, but didn't have an idea of my own. And- with no other RWBY RP's popping up, well, I finally came up with an idea of my own, and thought about it enough to bring it to an interest check. This RP will focus on older Huntsmen and Huntresses, rather than first-year students. That doesn't mean students can't be in the RP, but they'd be older and more independent, and able to mingle with semi-seasoned Huntsmen and Huntresses in their own right. [Center][img]http://nsm07.casimages.com/img/2017/09/01//1709011043399215515250998.jpg[/img][/Center] While I'd like this RP to be mostly character driven, I want to have a special focus on one thing in particular. Namely, the creation of weapons, and the location at which it takes place. I present, the forge- a blacksmith shop that will serve as a nexus for our RP, where the characters' weapons can be maintained and upgraded, using various materials and metals that may be found along the way. I just haven't decided where exactly on Remnant the RP will occur. Don't worry, however, if you're looking for something with more plot to dig your teeth into. Because shortly after gathering in the aforementioned Forge, a call will go out about the appearance strange Grimm with elemental abilities. Why are they here, and where are they coming from? Only you can find out. I hope you find this interesting, and are willing to go along with me on this. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions, please, don't hesitate to ask me. I'm more than willing to help in any way I can. [Hider=Character Sheet][Center][B]Name:[/B] (The name rule is in effect.) [B]Age:[/B] (About 19 to 29, I'd wager) [B]Sex:[/B] (Biological only.) [B]Phenotype:[/B] (Human or Faunus, and Faunus Type, i.e. Faunus, Ram) [B]Appearance:[/B] (Please no photos or easily recognizable characters.) [B]Nationality:[/B] (Atlesian, Vacuan, Valean, Mistralese) [B]Weapon:[/B] [B]Semblance:[/B] [B]Aura Color:[/B] [b]Team:[/b] (If on a team with other players. Optional section.) [B]Emblem:[/B] [B]Personality:[/B] [B]Background:[/B] [B]Likes[/B]: [B]Dislikes[/B]: [B]Strengths[/B]: [B]Weaknesses[/B]: [B]Relationships-[/B] [B]Other[/B]: [B]Hex Code:[/B](For colored text, if used. Close to name/Aura color.) [b]Theme[/b]: (Optional)[/Center][/hider] Welcome Aboard!