[h2]Post currently baking in the Oven. Almost ready.[/h2] Brovak is assigning teams now, and a couple NPCs are being thrown in the mix to fill out teams with missing members. There will also be some "extra" squads of applicants who're mostly going to just get their asses kicked. [url=https://i.imgur.com/Thuwh1O.png]Here's the map of the town.[/url] Starting points will be assigned in the IC post. Warning: largeish image file. (1.23mb) [hr][@thewizardguy], let me know when you're ready to get involved. Would you like to be randomly assigned one of the two remaining teams, or would you like to choose one? Azerus and Berke are spoken for -- I've got an NPC ready and waiting for their group. So that leaves Mallory and Holliday, and Yrhen and Alexander.