[quote=@mdk] [hider=lulz][img]http://i.magaimg.net/img/1la6.jpg[/img][/hider] [/quote] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jFJTZkMc40]This isnt shocking in the slightest, all the butt-hurt snarky MAGA types on YOUTUBE screeching about how EMINEM IS TEH ESS JAY DUBYOO NOW, WHAT HAPPENED?![/url] These people, much like Gamergaters have a short fucking memory, Eminem, while always profane and edgy is a [b][h3]45 year old democrat from Detroit, of course he doesn't like Trump WTF.[/h3][/b] Its not even the first time he's railed against a president, he railed against Bush pretty damn hard with almost half of The Eminem Show Album and the single MOSH off encore. He also wasn't too crazy about Bill Clinton just to be clear. [img]http://www.eminem.net/tracks/mosh/images/eminem-mosh-collage.jpg[/img] [img]http://assets8.capitalfm.com/2013/40/eminem-my-name-is1-1381141434-view-1.jpg[/img] Also Eminem loves swearing and even though he was painted as a homophobe by a few concerned mothers groups, his lyrics and personal views are more often than not, pro equal rights. [i]"But If we can hump dead antelopes and animals, then there's no reason that a man and another man can't elope.[/i] [img]http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1469554/images/o-ELTON-JOHN-EMINEM-facebook.jpg[/img] [img]https://media1.fdncms.com/metrotimes/imager/u/original/4993112/gettyimages-105502127_594_screen.jpg[/img] Kid Rock is a slightly more interesting case as he's roughly the same age as Eminem and also from detroit, but he has spent most of his career cultivating a 'southern white trash' style image, and is regularly seen doing country music and has had the confederate feartured in his shows and videos. I'd cautiously say him an Em are probably friends or at least coridal, and your sensationalist news clip is probably making the 'fires back' thin a bigger deal than it really is. Stop trying to make headlines out of old news.