So for y'all interested People I'm going to have 3 'gm controlled' factions, so to speak. Hutt Cartel, New Republic and a new group partially designed by [@EliteCommander] and myself called the [i]Believers[/i]. People will be able to play characters, and important characters in all three factions it just means that their highest levels of command are going to be GM Controlled. If there's any question on this, let me know. For those of you Imperial Junkies, can you play a ship captain who fled into Hutt space to perform a life of crime or piracy or just trying to survive? Yes. Though if you want to be a Warlord that'll be for a PM discussion as that's a substantial faction, it's going to be the same. If you're a small faction with currently little influence, then we're A-Okay. However anyone wanting to be something a little more powerful, throw me a PM.