[b]Name:[/b] Darquesse [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11121/111211285/5213945-0796112580-42513.png[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] In brief, Darquesse is a psychopath. Might makes right, and none are mightier than her. Being a new entity born from a True Name, she is greatly curious about the world. Unfortunately for the world, this curiosity often manifests in the most gruesome ways. She'll tear someone apart to find out what their innards feel like, and she'll often purposefully get hit by attacks just to feel what it's like. She enjoys messing with her opponents before destroying them, and takes pleasure in asserting her power. However, for all of her evil, she also possesses a snarky and almost friendly demeanour at times, as she'll happily trade quips with a cop before slaughtering them. [b]Brief History:[/b] When Valkyrie Cain learned of her true name, she tried everything she could to seal or control it. However, due to events outside of her control and a self-fulfilling prophecy her True Name (Darquesse) was corrupted by a Revenant and took on a life of it's own. This cruel and twisted personality was power itself, and prophecy fortold that it would destroy the world. Many adventures were had, but in the end, Valkyrie was forced to give in to Darquesse. Through mystical shenanigans their bodies were separated, leaving Darquesse with immense magical power and Valkyrie Cain with a strange and unprecedented hole where her True Name should be. In the final battle, even the world's most powerful mages were unable to stand up to her. But in the end, they managed to convince Darquesse through the power of illusion that she had already won, playing into her arrogance. By convincing Darquesse that she was more powerful than she really was they managed to get her to leave of her own volition, crossing the border between dimensions to hopefully never return. While most believed that she met her demise at the hands of an army of godlike Faceless Ones, she instead found herself to another 'Earth'.... [b]Universe of Origin:[/b] Skulduggery Pleasant. [b]Equipment:[/b] none, other than her clothes [b]Abilities:[/b] [Elemental Magic] As an elementalist by origin, Darquesse possesses command over the four base elements. Water, Earth, Fire, Air. She can call upon walls of flame, throw people around with gusts of wind and perform various other feats of elemental manipulation. Her power with this magic is one of the greatest in the history of her own world, matched by only 3 other mortal entities. Her flames can melt steel, her winds can pick up cars, and with control over water and air she can manipulate over a metric tonne of matter at once. In addition to power she possesses skill, and can use the elements in strange and creative ways. Such as using air magic to sense the location of an opponent, or using earth magic to feel vibrations in the ground. With this alone, she would be a formidable opponent. [Necromancy] The preferred magic used by Darquesse, this type of magic draws on the power of death in order to manipulate solid shadow. With this magic she is able to create sharp shadows to tear her opponents to shreds, or walls of solid shadow to block attacks. Her body is constantly coated in a layer of shapeshifting shadows called her Shadow Skin, which protects her from attacks. Using the power of necromancy she is also able to perform more esoteric feats. While she has no patience for the rituals required to create permanent undead she is able to animate corpses near her, draw on death in her environment to boost her necromantic powers, and even attack the soul directly. After killing an opponent Darquesse is able to capture their soul, which leads to all kinds of fun possibilities. [Magic-Enhanced Body] As a being connected directly to the Source, magic flows through Darquesse's veins like blood. She is able to enhance her body to operate at far beyond normal human levels. Her strength allows her to lift cars and tear through metal with her bare hands. Her speed allows her to fly through the air at great speed, catching up to vehicles like cars with ease. And although her body isn't much sturdier than that of a human, magic allows her to rapidly heal from almost any kind of wound. A chopped off arm will reattach itself in moments, a destroyed arm will regrow in a matter of minutes. Even if impaled or chopped in half she's able to rapidly recover, and it's nearly impossible to get her to stay down.... unless her head is destroyed. She requires her brain to be undamaged in order to channel her magic, and as such destroying her brain will kill her instantly. Lastly she can perform some fun tricks, such as disabling her sense of pain, enhancing her senses, neutralising poisons and diseases in her body, and other fun stuff. [Power of the Source] Darquesse's power comes from the power of the True Name, that which connects mages to the Source. That being the Source of Magic. Due to this, a being who knows her own True Name has a 'direct link'. Through this direct link Darquesse is constantly supplied with magical energy, meaning she never runs out of power. Even after exerting herself greatly her stores will refill in minutes. In addition she possesses the ability to see magic as if it were a colour, and often understand how it works through simple observation. When faced with another spellcaster she can learn how to counteract and dispell enchantments, and can occasionally even learn to counter their active spells. The more orderly and complex the magic, the better, as there's no easy counter to raw power. When in a pinch she can even call upon the raw power of magic to rearrange reality to her very whim. Such as turning a defeated opponent into a rubber ducky, or unleashing an immensely powerful burst of magical energy. [Assorted Tricks] Over time, Darquesse's understanding and observation of magic have allowed her to copy the magical prowess of many of her world's other magicians and magic-users. These talents include teleportation, telepathy, minor precognition, opening interdimensional portals, and healing others. For balance purposes Darquesse cannot permanently acquire new magic from other player characters, unless that character sits down and intentionally teaches her. [b]Other:[/b]