[center][img]http://nerdist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Halloween-Fan-Art-Featured-10282015.jpg[/img] [b][color=#A4F2F6]Fantasy[/color] • [color=F09678]Spooky[/color] • [color=#A4F2F6]Fiasco[/color][/b] [sup][b][color=9C6F9A]Small group • Dice • Short Roleplay[/color][/b][/sup][/center] [b][h3][color=F09678]Premise[/color][/h3][/b][hr][color=9C6F9A]It's that spooOOooky time of year and I'm hoping to run a Fiasco one shot! It'll be a short roleplay that lasts [b]two Acts[/b] with up to [b]four other players[/b]. This'll be a low-medium casual level. Fiasco is a simple system that uses dice to set up the game. We roll a bunch of dice at the beginning and then take turns to pick which dice we want to use. Using these dice, we pick certain elements to establish our character and the setting. During the game, we create scenes to try and write a good story. I'm happy to teach people the system, but for starters [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiasco_%28role-playing_game%29][color=#A4F2F6]this wiki page[/color][/url] explains it far better then I ever could. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXJxQ0NbFtk][color=#A4F2F6]Here's[/color][/url] what it looks like to play. I have three possible halloween playsets, aka settings, mentioned below. So state your preference for which one takes your fancy.[/color] [h3][b][color=F09678]Guidelines[/color][/b][/h3][hr][color=#A4F2F6][b]+[/b][/color] [color=9C6F9A]All RPers are expected to roll with the punches and throw themselves into it. This includes not getting your panties in a twist if someone uses a dice you were hoping to get.[/color] [color=#A4F2F6][b]+[/b][/color][color=9C6F9A] This is a horror roleplay so here's a quick warning on potential gore, violence, swearing, lude jokes, ect.[/color] [color=#A4F2F6][b]+[/b][/color][color=9C6F9A] By joining this RP you need to accept your character will not always get out of every situation unscathed. In fact, [b]half of all scenes are going to end badly[/b] - so chances are, something is just not going to work out. By the climax of the roleplay everything shall explode into anarchy. Fiasco isn't about running off into the sunset after happily ever after, it's about having a blast writing a dramatic story with a bunch of cool peeps.[/color] [color=#A4F2F6][b]+[/b][/color][color=9C6F9A] This is a low-medium casual roleplay. Posts are expected minimum once every five days. I'm hoping this'll be a faster moving roleplay as it is quite short in nature anyway :D[/color] [h3][b][color=F09678]Playsets[/color][/b][/h3][hr][b][color=#A4F2F6]Candy Apples and Razorblades[/color][/b] - [color=9C6F9A]set during halloween, a sleepy town holds some dark secrets like a haunted house, evil carnival, vampires, witches, cannibals... the usual stuff. [/color] [b][color=#A4F2F6]Attack of the 50 ft Fiasco[/color][/b] - [color=9C6F9A]Based on old school, black and white horror movies. A little bit sci-fi, a little bit kaiju giant monsters. [/color] [b][color=#A4F2F6]Back to the Old House[/color][/b] - [color=9C6F9A]The haunted house itself, complete with a portal to hell in the basement, the forbidden laboratory and the labyrinthine prison. [/color]