[@lunarlors34][@Sir Lurksalot][@liferusher] [hider=VVVVV]Væggo Virgilius Von Victorious the V [img]http://i.imgur.com/6AqLxbl.jpg[/img] Age 18 Terran Years Gender Male Race Human Magic Wind Magic ~ Received tutoring for a few months, before deciding he'd had enough of his mongrel teacher, and thus he resolved to become self-taught. Divine Protection His Own Divinity [i]No actual protection, see below.[/i] Personality Væggo thinks he is God. Literally. Væggo has a highly exaggerated narcissistic personality disorder. He is prone to high levels of entitlement, self-absorption, pride, and has developed a highly tuned sense of how to manipulate others to serve his own needs, even if it is to their detriment. He preys heavily on those who show themselves to be vulnerable, or even mildly naive. Væggo's self-adoration hides a very keen need for others' approval, and their affections, which he himself feels he can never truly win to begin with. His inner being is riddled with a web of convoluted lies and self-deceptions, all strung together by his unifying assumption of inherent superiority. Many of the interactions that Væggo will have with others are treated by him in terms of power and status. If the other has more status/power, Væggo will do everything in his power to simultaneously feign superiority and claw his way to actual superiority as he feigns it. If the other has less status/power than Væggo, he will absolutely drown in that fact, and many of his more reserved traits, some of which are more indicative of his core personality than others, will come to light in moments such as these. A God complex can be feigned or genuine, but in Væggo's case, it is a curious blend of the two. At times he is lucidly aware on some level that he actually is just an eighteen year old human, but consciously Væggo makes every effort to confirm his own biases that his is a godly avatar. The fact that he has acquired magical abilities seemed at first to be an undeniable and hands down proof that he was God, until he realized shortly thereafter that many magic users existed in the world. Having learned that, Væggo began straining to beat out magic users at everything. Overcompensation, self-aggrandizement, and diminution of others have all become honed weapons for Væggo's extremely liberal use. When Væggo is alone, he is less openly narcissistic, but he is often mentally elsewhere, planning for his next social encounter. He dislikes letting his mind be idle, lest his convictions on his own divinity waver. In all things, Væggo seems to teeter on a knife edge, his wildly inflated ego pulling him back and forth in a senseless dance between lethal absurdity and transparent genuineness. Background Væggo's childhood was charmed and blessed, being showered in his parents' affections, and because of their vast riches, that meant their affections took the form of lavish gifts, extravagant resources at his disposal, and a very beautifully transcribed letter every holiday. Væggo's closest relationships were with his family's underlings, who were paid to serve his every whim. When his parents divorced, with Væggo barely into his teens, the affections didn't stop, but rather increased twofold. Unfortunately, the company of his family's servants did. He was dragged back and forth between the two private schools that his mother and father both insisted he attend. During his teenage years, Væggo's relative lack of socialization, save for those spare things taught to him by his family's servants, meant that he fell into the role of popular student by default, by vast amounts of wealth which he could use to buy the company of others. Throughout his years of high school, he remained outwardly hedonistic, and had a slew of relationships with girls, entirely physical, but never permanent. The girls always found themselves seeing the coldness in his eyes, and deciding that even if he was rich, his soul was too murky for them to wade through. It was only shortly before his disappearance from Earth, that Væggo was made aware of the loneliness he'd carried with him since his early years, and he'd begun searching for a cure for it when the switchover happened. Væggo had been exploring the religions of the world, and had been visiting a Catholic Church (wherein he decided that he was going to have to find meaning elsewhere than in religion) but as he was going to leave, a confession booth caught his eye. Mainly because it was glowing. He walked up, decided to enter it, and then he arrived in a strange new world. At the time of Væggo's joining the IC, he's grown acquainted with the realm of Lugnica, and has sunk firmly (probably irreversibly) into his divinity delusion. He thinks that his entering into that confession booth had been his symbolic crossing into the godhood he was born to achieve, and will now begin actuating his plan to bend the world to his whim, now that he has become familiar with it, at least to an extent. Likes Being worshipped, himself, and everything majestic, kingly, royal, or imperial. Dislikes Mongrels, irreverence, slightest indications of less-than-total submission, and being dirty. [hider=Themes] Main Theme ~ [youtube]https://youtu.be/DelhLppPSxY[/youtube] Magic Theme ~ [youtube]https://youtu.be/MrYz1GP_Bs4[/youtube] Combat Theme ~ [youtube]https://youtu.be/IUdOE9n1Wy4[/youtube][/hider][/hider]