Diana frowned but didn't turn around. She was not enjoying Ironwoods decision on posting her with these people. She wanted to point out that intimidation was her only option, but that would entail her revealing her semblance to them and she didn't want to do that just yet. These people were infuriating. And they were soft, showing all this concern for the boy. She hissed as she felt memories of her early days come back to her, her big brother was all she had... [color=firebrick]"... Marlin. Your tail is going to have to wait. Take this."[/color] She pulled out an extra needle and held it out to Marlin. [color=firebrick]"Encase the pain starts up again. I only have one more, so make sure not to drop lose it."[/color] her tone was off, it gave a slight vibe that Diana felt vulnerable. In truth she was just angry, this boy was protecting his sister just as her own brother had done so long ago. She had no words for Eve, she didn't think Eve would listen to her anyway, she was far to concerned for the rabbit. She drew her blade and kept it at the ready. She wanted to cut something. Grimm or other white fang spies it didn't matter. She tapped the handle of her blade impatiently as they began following Hansa. This was going to be a long walk for her, memories and anger stirring around inside her like some kind of nasty soup.