[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lJMUATv.png[/img][/center] The vampire turned to look back at her new minions and their reaction to her... well, preferably the spell. There was no point in playing up for an audience if they weren't going to respond in any way, was there? Unfortunately, it seemed that the two had been struck dumb more by her illusion wearing off than the display of magical power. Not that she was going to get to do anything like that for a considerable amount of time... maybe it would be possible to get some wires? At least that would leave her with some visually impressive tricks to pull off in the meantime. If Andersen would simply stop being so annoying for a five minutes. The smile turned in his direction carried every possible signal that it [i]wasn't[/i] a smile, and it would be clearly in the author's best interests to stop pursuing the discussion; any bodily harm that came after would entirely be his own fault. "Boy, are you suggesting that there is anything other than practicality behind such an illusion?" The sudden intervention of a magical girl--a [i]magical girl,[/i] not that a child playing around like that was anywhere near as odd as the resurrected and inexplicably youthful author; dressing Negi up would have had the same effect--put a pause on Andersen's efforts to dig himself a new hole, though for some reason she seemed to think there was a fight. Sure, there was a distinct lack of a tree where one had previously been but... "If you want to avoid anyone getting hurt, the last thing you want to do is start a fight where there wasn't one, however..." At this, the Evangeline pointed up, at the moths crowding the sky. Unfortunately for whoever was behind it, attempting to poison her whilst her vampire abilities were still accessible was merely mildly uncomfortable, rather than incapacitating. A curse like that had its advantages, especially when you were old enough to negate the weaknesses. "Perhaps you and Mordred would like to get rid of these?" There, that should let the minion show her what she could do... [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OfsOgtf.png[/img][/center] The massive figure turned his head slightly when a slight weight jumped onto his shoulder, wondering what it was that would so brazenly and fearlessly sit on him. The animal, whatever it was--not a normal one as far as his knowledge went--had even brought a gift. Such a minor morsel, but the grease and starch was nice--nothing like the raw meat and blood from most of his meals. But the monkey's (if that's what it was) positioning made a small girl's attempts to get his attention clearer. Ah, a road? And he was in the way. That was a clear enough instruction, and Asterios started to move both himself and the other obstruction out of the way, the small crowd parting for the obvious reason that there was no way they were going to hold up someone that could lift a mangled car in one hand as if it was made of tissue paper. The driver, too, seemed to be getting the impression that there was nothing he was going to get out of the bull-man... well, nothing that would help with insurance payouts, and that maybe it was time to [i]stop[/i] shouting at the person who could crush his head in one hand. Standing at more than double Cagliostro's height, Asterios had to look straight down to get a good look at her. She looked a bit out of place... not as much as he did, but significantly enough. And she felt... different. Different from normal humans, but not in the same way as his Master had been. Maybe she could fill the same sort of role? "You are... magus?"