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Despite the powerful wind biting into her skin she seemed entirely unaffected by the night air as she watched with a cold fascination upon her face. To most, it would appear she was staring at nothing, simply a desolate landscape and a nearly entirely destroyed skeleton of a city before her. But no, this was not the case. She wasn't staring at nothing. She was waiting for something to happen and happen it did. Suddenly without warning the night sky lit up with a brilliant blue light that cast dancing shadows for miles around instantaneously. As if God himself had reached down and torn into it, the woman watched as the sky cracked to display a magnificent and terrifying display of power and energy flowing across the horizon and lighting the night sky with a show none could compare to. As she watched, a small smile crept upon her dry lips while she fiddled with a small keychain upon her belt. There it was, the Rift. She had come to watch it open and watch it's magnificent display open before her, just as she always did when it came time for the fissure of light to open up above Britain. If one could look passed how much death, destruction, and turmoil this phenomenon had brought none could deny it's absolutely unrivaled and lavish display of stunning artwork. She could, and sometimes would, watch it dance for hours just to feel the happiness it created within her radiate through every pore of her... Wait, there was a noise. Her attention turned from the Rift as she frowned and looked up upon the sky with narrowed eyes, suddenly feeling on edge. It sounded like a deep droning that grew closer and closer with every passing second. Slowly, she stood up and stared into the lit night sky, trying to find just what the commotion could be before she finally saw it. It was an airplane, barely large enough to hold maybe one or two passengers at a time. Without hesitation she gasped and scrambled backwards as she saw the piece of machinery, knowing that only the Order possessed such extravagances when living withing the Rift-lands. She watched with horror as the plane flew unsteadily, clearly smoking out of one of it's engines which signified the fact that something had damaged the craft. For a long moment she remained entirely silent until she watched the nose of the plane beginning to dip heavily, heading directly towards the city before her until it crashed with a mighty resounding clang that flowed across the land in all directions. Every one of her muscles felt tightened and terrified as she realized what had just happened. The Order had flown a plane into their land, and it had crashed in the one place no one should be: The Reaping Grounds. What was worse is that the woman felt for certain of one thing: she hadn't been the first to see this plane, and she knew others saw. The Order had invaded their homeland, and whether it was intentional or unintentional... There would be consequences. [center][h2]Two Days Later[/h2][/center] The plane crash was news which spread like wild fire through the entire Rift-lands, and soon none, not even those in the Mysticlands, had failed to hear of this catastrophe. Almost instantly there were rumors of war, revenge, plotting... Everything to signify that a conflict was on the horizon. In order to prevent this Ricardo Viela, the leader of the Stormlands, pleaded with the surrounding areas to send influential leaders and any who believed they could help to the center of the Tradezones so that a discussion could be had. He promised to provide free food and drink to all who arrived while they discussed the implications of this madness. This is where the tale begins...