[color=e9d66b]“I'm here!”[/color] Hansa put his hood back up as he stopped in a clearing. [color=3dff13]“You're late. How unlike you…”[/color] As soon as she heard his voice Eve grabbed the two with her, since they were chatting, and ducked behind a tree. Eve peered around the trunk. She couldn't see this mystery man very well he was in a blind spot. It made Eve nervous. She couldn't read this guy to see when to step in. [color=e9d66b]“I ran into some trouble on the way here,”[/color] Hansa explained smoothly. [color=e9d66b]“The huntsmen also fell into the ruins and I had to find another way to get in.”[/color] [color=3dff13]“You didn't decide to start working with them did you?”[/color] The man started pacing in the clearing but still remained in the team's blindspot. [color=e9d66b]“What would make you think that?!”[/color] Hansa laughed. Eve had to keep herself from jumping in. She could tell Hansa had done this before because he hardly had any tells as far as she could see. [color=3dff13]“You are never late and your mask is missing.”[/color] Hansa was unsettled by his smile. [color=e9d66b]“If you are worried they made me, don't be. A portion of the ruins below the ground collapsed and I fell and my mask got crushed in the sinkhole.”[/color] Hansa didn't but he was around the edge of it when it collapsed. It's how he knew to find them nearby. [color=e9d66b]“I wanted to be sure it the ruins weren't related before I reported back!”[/color] [color=3dff13]“Was it?”[/color] The mysterious man asked, a sinister interest in his voice as he tilted his head ever so slightly. [color=e9d66b]“No,”[/color] Hansa lied. [color=e9d66b]“At least as far as I could tell. You haven't exactly told me what I'm looking for. Care to fill me in a bit more?”[/color] [color=3dff13]“I simply wanted you to update me on their progress in their relic investigation.”[/color] There was a sudden explosion at Hansa’s feet and his Aura visibly dropped. Eve immediately ran in but it wasn't fast enough. She dove to help Hansa. [color=00B7EB]“Hansa! Stay with me!”[/color] Eve called out to him. He was in shock. His legs were cleanly severed above the knee. A wound this clean cut could not be the blast.