For the first time since they'd met her, Norn actually lost her temper: "I am [i]not[/i] a fairy!" For a brief moment her eyes changed from sky blue to a glowing red, and flames seemed to ignite on her head. In less than a heartbeat she'd reverted to her normal self. She cleared her throat. "Please follow me. If Dorumon is your partner, Robert, then your D-Terminal should react to his presence if he touches it." And so she led the way into the village. [hr] "Oh, Lady Norn!" Once in the village the "dog" that Ryƫko had seen bounded towards the group excitedly. [center][img][/img][/center] "Oh, good day, Labramon!" Norn said politely. Labramon came to a screeching stop just short of the girl, panting excitedly. Norn scratched the dog behind one of his ears. "Has anything eventful happened today?" "Nothing yet, my lady," Labramon replied. He began sniffing at the humans, tail wagging as if he were a real dog. "So these're those humans that Agu and Wolfy found yesterday, huh?" He cocked his head to the side. "They smell funny." "That's no way to talk about our guests!" Norn chuckled. Something about her tone seemed to agree with the dog Digimon's assessment of the humans though. "Anyways, we are here to determine whom Yggdrasill has decided to pair them with. Everyone is at lunch now, correct?" "Yes, Lady Norn." He gave a dopey, panting grin to the humans. "I apologize for my rudeness. My name is Labramon, and I help patrol the borders of Nyttliv. Pleased to meet you all!"