[center][img]http://rp.alexarnold.ca/grimlit/grimlit_p.png[/img] — Forest with [@Raineh Daze]—[/center] He set her down at the base of the tree and shrugged. "It's hardly an army. I was joining warbands and hunting parties at 9. Now might be a good time to figure something out. Use your imagination. Now hold still and be quite if you aren't going to be useful." With any luck some of them would have stayed at the camp. Grimlit took off back the way they had come at a job until he found a suitably large tree. Digging his claws into the bark Grimlit climbed up into the lower branches of the tree. He slowed his breathing and reached out with his senses while slowly drawing one of his pistols. They would be looking for him, the threat, and not the useless girl. Soon enough he heard and then saw a half dozen horses. the paranoid part of his mind decided that there were a scouting group. Maybe they assumed that he was just a one man rescue mission but in reality there really was no reward in him rescuing the girl. What paid his bills was bounty hunting. An ambush, expecially when they were making a clean getaway might not be expected. So, Grimlit waited until the lead rider was just past him and opened fire. By the time his pistol was empty the rear four riders were down. He leapt from his perch and tackled the second rider from his horse, raking a handful of claws across his throat even as he crushed the man against the ground. Instead of staying to fight the lead rider had wheeled his horse around by now the fled back the way he came. Grimlit stood and shook the dripping gore from his claws. Protection work was a much easier paycheck. He made his way back to where he had left the girl. [center][img]http://rp.alexarnold.ca/alto/alto_p.png[/img] — 'Empty' Building with [@VitaVitaAR]—[/center] Alto sat on the ground of the empty building, wrapping together a bundle of explosives with it's time before dropping it into a dirty canvas satchel with the others.Of course it didn't exactly look like Alto Pederson. THe man in the warehouse was well dressed with light blond hair and a matching beard. A part of his mind wondered at the insane situation he had found himself in. A sabateur on the eve of international war. Potentially the spearhead of an invasion. Alto paused in his work and pushed these thoughts out of his mind. This was instead to perfect, most right situation for him. No more blowing up bridges that would easilly be rebuit or trapping abandoned equipment. This one was going to be the big one. Another charge was dropped into the satchel that was steadilly growing heavier.