At first Robert's Digivice didn't do anything. Then it began glowing softly, heating up to near-unbearable levels. It first took on Dorumon's colors-- a purple-blue, silver-white, and black-- but then unexpectedly shifted to black and gold. Norn seemed a bit surprised, but said nothing before leading them to what was a surprisingly normal cafeteria... except for the fact that each and every person eating or serving food was a Digimon. As Norn and the humans entered, two Digimon stationed at the door produced trumpets and (somehow) blew on them. [center][img][/img][img][/img][/center] All of the Digimon abruptly stood at attention. However each and every Digimon was shocked at the sight of humans... and abruptly charged the group, chattering excitedly. Really, it was like a group of children swarming the star of their favorite TV show or movie. "Humans!" "So the stories were true?" "You owe me twenty bits for saying they were a fairy tale!" The entire situation seemed a little ridiculous to Ryƫko, but also absolutely adorable.