Marlin was brought down into hiding by Eve, they were closer than he expected, he kept his mouth shut and his ears perked listening to the conversation. [color=8493ca]'He's on to him,'[/color] he said to himself, able to read the situation and understand a conversation of hidden investigation and lying. Marlin tensed up a bit, placing aura into his feet ready to pounce when needed, though he remembered that Diana wanted dibs on the man. He didn't really have anything personal against the guy in white so he was willing to let her take the trophy. There was an explosion and Eve took off running before anybody realized what had happened. Marlin jumped to his feet and sprinted in a couple steps, his speed increased by his aura and he was by Eve and Hansa in no time. He wasn't worried about the man knowing for sure that that was all on Diana's mind, no matter what happened she would go after the culprit they were hunting. Marlin looked down at the boy, sighing heavily as Eve tried to comfort him. Marlin wasn't always a type to care, but something about kids usually kept a soft spot in him, and seeing how much Eve cared about others opened him up even more. With a look in to Hansa's eyes, [color=8493ca]"This is going to hurt you a lot more than it's gonna hurt me,"[/color] Marlin glanced at Eve, [color=8493ca]"Hold him down."[/color] The boy was now out of aura so he wasn't protected anymore, and his wounds were wide open and clean, at least the recovery will be short. Marlin took a deep breath, closing his eyes and focusing, meditating. Alcohol in his system or not he could still perform astounding tasks like this one. He placed every ounce of aura in his body to his hands, grabbing large fire crystals he infused his aura to take on a scolding hot presence. What he was about to do was extremely dangerous to both parties and not easy. Marlin reached down and grabbed Hansa's amputated legs, he needed to close the wound before there was too much blood loss. With the aura his hands scorching hot he started to force his aura into the boys body, increasing the heat to cauterize the ends. It didn't take long but the wounds were closed, however Hansa now held all of Marlin's aura, and it was infused with dust. [color=8493ca]"There, now listen to me carefully,"[/color] he knew the boy was in pain but he needed him to listen. [color=8493ca]"If you don't keep a straight head you'll explode, especially with how much dust is in your body now."[/color] He looked over to Eve seeing if she could help calm him down with some words of encouragement. [color=8493ca]"Close your eyes and listen to my words, I do this all the time. Imagine an empty room, pick your favorite color and that's the walls, now imagine the ceiling is leaking in the middle, a single drop of water falling every second, focus on the sound, focus on the calm stillness around the room, focus on the peace around you, the serenity."[/color]