[hr][hr][h1][center][color=662d91]Elissa Isley[/color][/center][/h1] [center][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m54i1kHrpu1rqg9sf.gif[/img] Location: Some island[/center][hr] Now that she thought about it, before their death they had met a young woman whose parents had disappeared. Somewhere near the triangle. Elissa wasn't too sure of where they were, but she thought it was worth mentioning to see if Anastasia knew anything. [color=662d91]"Rememper zat voman ve had met at zee Faithful Pride, Firginia? Didn't sche zay zat her barents had dizabeared near zee triangle?"[/color] she asked Anastasia [color=662d91]"I don't remember what she said their names were though".[/color] She wasn't too sure about this, especially since Anastasia was reaching for the flask. Elissa didn't want anything horrible to happen to the woman, they had been through quite a bit even though they hadn't known each other very long. She saw her as a friend, and didn't want her to be permanently dead. [color=662d91]"Pe careful Anasdazia,"[/color] she said as she watched the woman.