Daniel had been stalking Kelly Marston for some time now, her power to shoot out bone spikes was intriguing, he had often wondered how much fun it would be to play with them, to conjure spikes and blades as often as one blinks. She was a relatively accomplished hero publicly, and even privately, but he saw her for what she truly was. A monster, a villain, and she needed to be stopped. She spent a lot of time around her heroic friends, even worked with a couple in their secret identities, and he could even recognize most of them. He wagered he could probably take them all, but in the process they’d call out to someone bigger, someone he wouldn’t be able to handle, so he waited for her to separate herself, and followed her all the way up to the roof. [color=ed1c24]Kelly Marston, aka Spearhead[/color]. Daniel said with his telepathy, broadcasting himself into her mind. Alarmed she turned quickly, and horror painted her face as she saw Daniel’s blood coated armor. “Y-you’re Lieutenant Hurley, wait! Stop! You were a hero!” Kelly said, she backed up close, right up to the railing; she had dropped her cigarette down onto the streets below. “Remember who you are! We fought together! Whatever this is you can fight it!” Kelly continued to plead as she shifted her arms slowly, and then suddenly shot out a spike from her forearm. Daniel dodged to the side slightly and caught the spike; he let out a low laugh before he rushed into Spearheads face, grabbed her by the neck, and stuck her spike through her chest. His laugh began to increase in volume as he repeatedly stabbed her with her own spike, a fresh coating of blood painted his body again. Daniel began to reach for his knife before he stopped himself, too late, she had already died. He threw her body over the railing and began to walk off, but something stopped him. A voice coming from slightly underneath him, distressed, panicked, it was an emergency news report playing off Spearheads dropped phone. Whether it was due to his old heroic spirit, or his new state he couldn’t tell, but he quickly reached for it. And Daniel saw his newest target, The Splatterer, he couldn’t remember if Captain Explosion was a hero before or after his time, but it didn’t matter. He was a monster, a terrible villain, and he needed to be stopped. Daniel’s mouth widened into a smile underneath his helmet, he then broke into a sprint and jumped off the roof, and he continued to repeat until he got closer to Times Square. He smelt it long before he actually saw it, the smoke clouds and screams permeating the area drew his attention, even on the edge of the event Daniel could feel the fear growing. It was enticing; to gain The Splatterer’s powers would be… “[color=ed1c24]Wonderful[/color]”