The appearance Norn took on when angry about being called a fairy again was the frist hint that she [b]might[/b] be as dangerous as Danny thought she could be. Oddly enough this made him doubt her less, after all there was zero reason to show it if she was luring them into a some kind of trap. while some of the others flocked around the admittedly cute Labramon he made sure to not to get to close to walking collection of fur. Still there was no need to be rude so he decided he should at least greet... him, her, it? [color=39b54a]"Nice to meet you."[/color] As the group came across the Pawnchessmon Danny wondered if one of them was his partner, he sucked at chess but they looked somewhat cool plus they weren't covered in hair. However aside from blowing on trumpets somehow nothing they did nothing noteworthy and the group entered what turned out to be a cafetaria. The Digimon there immediately the humans, something which made him rather uncomfortable as Danny wasn't used to being the center of attention. Not helping matters was the small yellow blob with a foxtail jumping almost straight into his face and proving that his comment about allergies when meeting Dorumon wasn't a joke. He started sneezing uncontrollably and tried to gently but quickly put the little creature down.