[b]Name:[/b] Sirka Rhiko [b]Species[/b]: Ssi-ruu [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Ssi-ruu][img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20061206184105/starwars/images/8/8d/SsiruuNEGAS.jpg[/img][/hider] Stands at 2.15 meters, and at a weight of 355 kg. [b]Faction[/b]: Unaffiliated [b]Equipment[/b]: Like most Ssi-ruu, Sirka wears only bandoliers across her chest to carry her belongings, along with whatever holsters she needs. Her primary weapon is a heavy repeating blaster rifle, attached to a power pack on her back. As a sidearm, she carries an [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/E-11_blaster_rifle]E-11 blaster rifle[/url], and a one-handed variant of a [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Vibro-ax]vibro-ax[/url] as a backup weapon. She carries a bandolier with a small number of stun grenades, and usually a single thermal detonator. [b]Skills (and abilities)[/b] [list] [*]Close to medium range combat specialist [*]Strength equivalent to an adult wookiee [*]Thick, blaster resistant hide [*]Very keen sense of smell (able to detect changes in the emotional state of species with which she is familiar) [*]Triple eyelids resist sudden bursts of light [*]Growing knowledge of grenades and explosive devices [*]Surprising speed and grace for a creature of her size, when not encumbered by equipment [/list] Weaknesses: [list] [*]Long-range combat [*]Eyesight poorer than that of a human [*]Skill set not terribly varied beyond combat [*]Stands out in a crowd, or any other situation [*]While Ssi-ruu do possess natural agility, that agility is diminished when wielding her primary blaster [*]Little to no stealth capabilities [/list] [b]History[/b]: [b][i]D[/i][/b]estiny is not a concept in which Sirka believes, but it can certainly be said that fortune has both blessed and cursed Sirka to great degrees throughout her life, starting even before she could form memories. It started with a group of Trandoshan hunters exploring unknown areas of the outer rim for new and challenging game to hunt. Though their expedition was not terribly successful and ended with quite a few casualties on their side, Sirka’s egg was one of the trophies taken. She might have been raised as an oddity or slave among them, but her fortune turned when the Trandoshans ran afoul of a Jedi investigating pirates in the area. Being a member of an unknown species, it was only due to the Jedi’s acute observations and senses that she was identified as a sentient creature at all. [b][i]D[/i][/b]evoid of any connection to the force, the young reptilian was, unfortunately, unable to remain at the temple. Once the Jedi made that determination, they did at least assist in finding her a home. After some consideration and searching, she ended up in the care of a trusted Togruta couple on Coruscant, as they were merchants who did regular business with the Jedi Order. They were a reasonably wealthy couple who wanted to give a good life to their new daughter, whom they named Sirka, but once more, fortune’s pendulum swung in the other direction for her. The rise of the Empire destroyed the life that her parents had established. They avoided being caught in the initial transition, but their former association with the Jedi Order caused them to flee Imperial space out of fear for their lives. [b][i]W[/i][/b]hile they were able to flee with some of their assets, Sirka’s family ultimately lost most of the wealth they had. They, like many others, ended up as poor refugees on Nar Shaddaa. What was more, Sirka’s mother had already been pregnant with another child before they fled, so they had two daughters to support. [b][i]A[/i][/b]fter some time, Sirka ended up growing much larger, and much more quickly than her parents could have expected. And that, of course, came with more expensive requirements for her care. Sirka grew up in cramped, often unsanitary conditions, with nothing in the form of luxuries simply because her parents wanted to make sure that their children did not go hungry. Even then, they had to sacrifice their own meals from time to time. In as lawless and unforgiving of a place as the Smugglers’ Moon was, it would have been simple for them to abandon Sirka, but they pressed on through her formative years, even when that meant resorting to more unsavory methods of supporting their family. Fortunately, their dedication was rewarded once Sirka was grown. [b][i]G[/i][/b]iven Sirka's species, she matured more quickly than a Togruta, and that growth had shaped her into an over-2-meter-tall, 350 kilogram beast of a reptilian. There was no form of formal school system in their part of Nar Shaddaa, so her parents had attempted to teach her whatever skills and knowledge they could to the best of their ability, but ultimately, her physical attributes were more suited to more dangerous work. She started off as a bodyguard that, through mere intimidation factor, rarely had to fight anyone, but she was drawn into other kinds of better paying mercenary work over time. She acquired her first blaster on the same day that she learned her scales were, in fact, resistant to blaster fire, and taught herself to shoot from there. Physical limitations with her eyesight prevented her from becoming too great of a marksman, but her circumstances and abilities forged her into a talented mercenary. At her sister’s insistence, Sirka has attempted to avoid falling into the trap of relying on her unique natural traits and has tried to keep improving herself, at least as far as it will help her work. In particular, she worked on how to use and understand grenades and other explosive devices. All the while, she used her growing income not only to support, but start improving the lives of her family. [b][i]P[/i][/b]leasantly for Sirka, she was able to help move her parents to a better part of Nar Shaddaa: a place that was reasonably safe, by the moon’s standards. After all of the sacrifices they made for her, she found herself dedicated to repaying them. She has become fairly successful as a freelance mercenary and has gone into business with her sister, Delni Rhiko. While Delni does not join in fighting, she does have a knack for business and helps her sister to find opportunities, and to make the best use of the funds they have. Although, Sirka still hopes to move even farther up the galaxy’s economic ladder to provide an even better lifestyle for herself and her family.