[center][url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5cF5GGqVWo]-And Even the Sky Wept-[/url][/center] Gen honestly wasn't sure what to do, he stood there for the longest time, even though he barely knew them from the few weeks he'd spent in the guild, even though he knew he shouldn't cry, even though he knew it wouldn't change anything, hell, he didn't even want to. But he did anyway. He did and didn't feel any shame as the salty tears poured down, he had to restrain himself to keep from just weeping, and he didn't entirely know why. He clenched his fists until they were white,digging his fingers into his palm, if he held them any harder he'd have cut into his palms. He held his breath, at this point he was even using his Ripple magic to steady himself, and it worked to some effect. He calmed down, he unclenched his fists, and he heard Natsu tell them of the need to take a vote on the new Guildmaster. [i]"...Do I even have the right?"[/i] He thought to himself as he thought over the two choices. Both were powerful, and both were well respected in the Guild, but even so, he knew very little of the internal affairs of the Guild, he recalled hearing of an incident involving Laxus, but none of that mattered. All he knew was that Laxus was Makarov's flesh and blood, and that's all that he could think about for a moment. He stepped forward from the crowd, his head turned to the ground, he honestly didn't want to have to pick a side at all, but he had to. [b]"I'll...put my vote for Laxus."[/b] He immediately, and wordlessly returned to where he once stood, his left arm now held up high, the olive green guild mark showing on his fore-arm.