[right][h2][sup][i][color=f07560]Knight[/color][/i][/sup][/h2][i]Rosaline Buckner[/i] [i]Protectorate Headquarters[/i][/right] The static energy or Gestalt’s touch felt a bit stinging on her skin, but knowing what it was for Knight let that happen before she placed her helmet back. Then, she formed the sword. If she could shape something like that already, then she was fine. At Gestalt’s statement, of how interesting it should be to have two Knights, Knight smiled. [color=f07560]‘It should be.’[/color] She acknowledged. Having Gestalt borrow her power was honestly a relief. By herself, she worried if her power would be enough to protect them. Now there were two of her, plus Gestalt having a bit more. It was good to have. Soon enough, she with the others jumped into the VTOL of their choice, looking at the others. She considered if she should be making strategies, but they sort of already knew what to do. Instead, the first word was from Anomaly, who asked how life was. Knight smirked, that was the typical question. She considered what to answer. Though, Septima and Gestalt began. And they began by presenting their real identities. Knight gave the briefest of a chuckle. To think, had she just been a bit younger, she’d have been a Ward with them. … She might have been more comfortable with that. She certainly felt more at home with these girls, despite them being younger, than currently did with the other heroes who all overshadowed her when it came to experience. Eh, give it time. [color=f07560]‘I’m Rosaline.’[/color] Was she supposed to tell? Probably not. She didn’t want to be the odd one out, though. [color=f07560]‘I think I’m doing fairly well.’[/color] She had skipped going to college to focus full-time on being Knight, realizing that doing both was something her inherent laziness wouldn’t be able to handle. Except for training, her free-time were lazy hours… Mostly because there always was so much to do when she was working. [color=f07560]‘I’ve successfully established my place in the Boston Protectorate, just like my dad had. Next up is protecting the city and getting a good reputation. … Guess that’s what we’re heading to try to achieve, now. For all of us.’[/color] She said, turning to look out, holding on as the craft was likely going to start heading out soon enough. This was all assuming the Covenant or any other madmen wasn’t going to be successful in killing them all… Oh, and she hadn’t kept it a secret that she was the disappeared Boston hero Retribution’s daughter. He had never been unmasked, as far as she knew, so it was fine. [@Sickle-cell][@Banana]