Once she had gotten his heading and coords, she quickly redirected to intercept him. Punching the afterburner briefly for a burst of speed towards him. Her mind spaced as she flew to form up with Heartbreak. So Nadia had forgotten to watch the time during her flight, and as such, quickly scrambled to see what time it was. And let out a sigh of relief. Her brain having panicked and thinking over 5 minutes had passed. But due to the speed of her bird, less than 3 minutes had passed. She lazily turned her craft to make a correction in her flight path, and figured it was time to dip from the clouds to help her make visual contact with Heartbreak. After a few more seconds, she saw a blip on her radar. IFF said it was friendly, so she rolled towards it. Hailing him at the same time. "Glad I'm finally here." She said as she flew past his craft, then turned to form up. Using the turn to bleed off extra energy and speed, so she wouldn't over-shoot when forming up. Taking up position on his left and slightly above. "Shall we double time it now?" She asked while looking at his craft. A hog. Well, Corona wasn't lying when they said he was equipped to handle ground targets.