[center][h1][b]Kaze[/b][/h1][/center] Kaze simply listened as he ate. Didn't hurt to listen to experienced hunters like Kazuki. Although from his walks he already knew how the prey species tended to attack, except the status ailments like poison from the ioprey. Another person came in, wielding a hunting horn, and just started talking. Very rude. But he got her name while he ate the pin tuna soup, Tamietta. Clara, the other girl, welcomed her to the group only to have Cyrus reprimand her. A bit of a squabble already? Shaking his head he emptied his bowl of its contents. He hadn't been particularly hungry but it never hurt to eat before you started to travel. Well overeating was bad but that wasn't an issue. Before he could stand Cyrus wanted everyone to sit, eat, and introduce themselves. Couldn't they do that on the way to the job? It's not like it's right outside the town gates. He listened to the others introduce themselves, Tamietta and Kazuki. Crossing his arms and resting them on the table he just gave the group a dull look. "Kaze, hammer." He grunted out, it'd be a pleasure to meet them if they weren't forced into an introduction. He just wanted to go hunting already and learn some stuff.