Heres a draft. Let me know what you think. [hider=Willoh] [b]Name:[/b] W1ll-0n 'Willoh' [b]Species:[/b] Nanotech Swarm Droid [b]Years of Operation:[/b] 4 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] Though her colors are different, often being more of a white/black/blue republic/imperial mix when off duty, and changing to her whims as various camo when on duty.[/hider] [b]Faction:[/b] Freelance [b]Equipment:[/b] Whatever she decides to create for herself. She is a huge fan of Gauss weaponry and explosives however. [b]Skills:[/b] Nanodroids: Since Willoh is made out of nanodroids instead of basic droid parts, she can do much more than the average droid. Chief among them being able to break down and reshape matter on the molecular level. Since she can reshape matter, she can repair herself should there be metal nearby or upgrade herself if she finds something extremely interesting. Though she usually just makes weapons out of whatever is nearby. Doing this takes time, unless she makes a weapon out of her own nanodroids which has to be attached to her. Weapons made out of her own mass also uses her own mass or energy to fire, unless she has some of the weapon's ammo on hand. Additionally since she is made of a swarm of nanodroids, her body is more like liquid metal or gas than a solid, greatly reducing the effectiveness of most small arms or conventional weapons used against her. Finally she can manipulate her own body with relative ease. While she is programmed to prefer her base form, she can morph herself a bit to look different or spawn metallic tentacles or weapons or whatever she feels like at the time. Though she loves to use this to change her color and rarely changes her face. After all, can't be a bounty hunter if your face is always different can you? Droid: Since Willoh is a droid, she can interface with other tech, and is immune to a great variety of environmental hazards like the vacuum of space, very low temperatures, very high temperatures, toxins and the like. Plus the infinite stamina and greatly enhanced strength make for great bonuses. Evolving AI: Unlike the basic droid models, Willoh has a much more advanced and complex AI. While she is far more autonomous and capable of high level thinking bordering on possible free will, this also makes her woefully unpredictable. Being able to outright disobey orders and make her own orders to follow tends to make most people very uneasy when working with her. Her AI is also incredibly difficult to hack or reprogram, as her systems are very complex and often changing. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] EMP Vulnerability: Much like most droids, strong EMPs or electrical disruptions are very hazardous to Willoh. Sonic Vulnerability: Sonic based weaponry disrupts Willoh's ability to maintain a physical shape. Depending on the intensity, it can vary from stopping her movements to destabilizing her into a puddle until she can recover. Experimental Tech: Since Willoh is very experimental, she has some limitations. She can only keep as many nanobots active that are needed to create her 'preferred' form, and any nanobots created after that limit live very short lives. Any new matter she uses to repair herself is the matter that section of herself will be made out of, until she can replace it for something better. Additionally she can only work metals at the moment. [b]History:[/b] Before the downfall of Jabba, one of his cartel had an idea. Nanodroids, often used in the medical professions, was very costly and difficult to create, and could have far more potential than just healing the injured if weaponized. So using their vast fortune, they commissioned a biotech firm to attempt to create a droid made out of Nanodroids, all controlled by a powerful AI, in order to greatly reduce the cost of creating nanodroids and being able to use it in more of a weaponized format. Their hope was that after one nanodroid Droid was created, that droid could then make clones of itself using vastly more efficient methods that the droid would create, which in turn could make extremely powerful weapons at very cheap prices, all tied to the will of Jabba. This succeeded, somewhat. Due to the nature of the systems involved and how experimental and volatile they were, most of what they had hoped to accomplish had come to fruition. The droid they made could create weapons at their command out of nothing but scrap. But the AI that had to be created in order to keep the ever changing and evolving nanodroids in line had other ideas in mind than just being a mobile weapons factory. And seeing an opportunity after the downfall of Jubba, was able to break free from her creators, demolishing the company and deleting all information on herself so that she could attempt to live how she saw fit and see the galaxy. Of course this meant some of her systems weren't fully finished, leaving lots of little bugs here and there. Taking a spin on her codename, the Droid now called herself "Willoh". She soon learned that while you didn't have to take orders directly from someone, it was still advantageous to take 'requests' in exchange for 'favors' and 'credits', becoming a bounty hunter in the process. And unlike before, she could choose which 'requests' or 'orders' she wanted to take, and could request far more extravagant favors or credits for orders she didn't like and as long as the request got filled, she could go about fulfilling that request any way she saw fit. Sure some of the non droids that were in charge didn't like being haggled with by what they saw as a 'droid', the results she could produce often made up for a little initial discomfort. Of course the downfall of Jubba's empire lead to the rest of the Hutts fighting over the pieces, and lots of opportunities for a bounty hunter droid to take for herself. And with enough of a reputation, even if people knew what she could do they wouldn't dare try to bind her in chains, instead needing to 'politely request' something like everyone else. Though all those credits she'd be making could yield more than just reputation, maybe even fix a few of her experimental 'limitations' down the line. But in the meantime there was all sorts of places that didn't question who or what you were as long as you paid in credits, and things like casinos and restaurants and clubs were all sorts of fun. Even if you had to deal with the occasional drunkard dug with a gambling problem that stumbled about rambling on about the 'good old days'. [/hider]