“Crap, Crap, Crap, CRAP!” Drake yelled as he ran through the burning warehouse. He slid under a support beam that fell and landed on top of a large machine. He quickly got back to his feet before another support beam fell and exposed the light from the outside. He looked around for a way out and changed directions to a large metal staircase leading towards a window that took up most of the wall. He placed his arms in front of his face and ran into the window. The glass shattered and he soared through the air before falling to the ground. He screamed as he flailed and grasped at the empty air before he yelled, “Cyclone!” the jewel in the dragon talisman around his neck changed to a lime green color before air came from the talisman and created dragon wings made of compressed air. They flapped and slowed his descent before he hit the ground and rolled away from the burning building. He took several deep breaths as the air flew back into the talisman. Once he was able to collect himself, he stood up and watched the warehouse burn. [color=ed1c24][i]Well, that didn’t go as planned, a voice admitted. [/i][/color] “You think?!” Drake yelled. Before all this had happened he was on his way home when an alert popped into his phone. It was a report of possible illegal guns being shipped to one of the warehouses at the docks. He had installed the App to help find possible crimes and he figured this might be a good chance to train to be a proper hero. Unfortunately, it didn’t go as planned since the warehouse was now up in flames. Drake threw up his arms and ranted, “We were supposed to stop the traffic of illegal firearms and catch the bad guys, but instead: we set the damn place on fire, probably destroyed the evidence, and caused a massive amount of damage!” to anyone who might have seen him. Drake looked like he was arguing with himself. [color=ed1c24][i]To be fair: I gave you my power. You were the one who used fire in a wooden structure.[/i][/color] The voice retorted. [color=00aeef][i]Yes, but you could have regulated how much power you gave Drake.[/i][/color] a second, female voice pointed out. [color=ed1c24][i] Where’s the fun in that?[/i][/color] The first voice asked. Another support beam crashed within the warehouse and part of the roof caved in as the flames continued to rage. [color=39b54a][i]We can’t leave this place like this. The whole area is made of wood and will catch fire should the flames continue,[/i][/color] a third voice pointed out. “Cyclones right,” Drake said before the third voice said, [color=39b54a][i]Thank you.[/i][/color] Drake sighed and added, “Aqua, we need to stop the flames before they spread.” [color=00aeef][i]Understood, just say the word and I’ll lend you my power[/i][/color] the female voice said. “Alright, let’s go,” Drake said before he yelled, “Aqua!” the jewel in the dragon talisman changed from lime green to crystal blue. Water rose up and shot towards Drake. It wrapped around his hands and arms to form gauntlets, around his feet and legs to form greaves and sabatons, his head to make a helm and finally water wrapped around his body and created dragon wings that extended from each shoulder blade. With one flap, the wings propelled Drake from the ground as water rose up with him. He controlled the water and had it spray onto the flames as white smoke exploded from the burning building. Once the last bit of flames were extinguished he landed back down at the dock as the jewel changed to pure white and the water fell to the ground. Drake let out a sigh. [color=ed1c24][i]You think anyone noticed the blaze?[/i][/color] The first voice asked. “I think the whole damn city saw it Inferno!” Drake yelled. [color=f7941d][i]I believe we should leave before we get into trouble.[/i][/color] A fourth voice suggested. Drake nodded and agreed, “Your right Terra. Let the authorities handle the rest.” Drake looked around before he ran off in hopes no one saw his blunder.