[color=00B7EB]“I thought of that too but I am faster as far as I can tell.”[/color] Eve explained to Diana. [color=00B7EB]“Even with this one on me I should be able to avoid any Grimm should we end up running into a horde.”[/color] Eve had an opportunity to demonstrate when a medium sized Nevermore dove rapidly for her. She easily slipped out of the way and Yoki split it in half with his sword. A Beowolf popped out of the bushes she ended up near and she quickly turned out of the swing of its claws and backstepped out of it’s range all together, all with a grace that wouldn't disturb the sleeping rabbit on her back. [color=00B7EB]“We can trade off later or if he needs more aura he can use mine.”[/color]