[@OliveYou] Ashley nodded her head. The girl she was talking to had dusty blonde hair that reached her shoulders, along with with two buns on either side of her head. She had bright hazel eyes and tanned skin with freckles. "That's true, but I have yet to see what powers she beholds," she said, folding her hands together. "I have high hopes," Ashley continued. "I wonder what we're doing after this. I personally wish to tour the Academy, so I get a feel for it since it is quite large," she paused before speaking again. "But anything is fine for me, as long as it has nothing to do with boys," Ashley stretched her arms above her head before sticking her hand out in a greeting. "Anyway, I'm Ashley Paris, founder of Sisters United, my club back in middle school. Leader of a revolution. And you are?" she asked politely.