[@OrizaSaucer][@Delta44][@Remipa Awesome][@Amaranth][@Starlance][@Joker892][@HumanMusic] This is a message that I believe to be majorly important for you lot to know, just in case my behaviour or activity starts to become sporadic and unbalanced in comparison to everything. I do not wish to say this for attention (Though saying that is like the worst culprit to put me in that position). Firstly, there's the mental health. I'm being administered strict and high-dosages of pills "required" to keep me somewhat neutral in my mentality. I understand that with the first two weeks of taking them it'll take a bit to get used to them, meaning I may feel like shit and/or have ow activity for low enthusiasm. Now this isn't a guaranteed reaction, but I wanted to get that out as a warning. Secondly, the more important news. My rehabilitation programme to finally get me walking has a confirmed date and is to last 14+ days. I believe it'll start on November 13th and due to me living in hospitality I may have very low activity, though I'll try to remain as active as I humanly can. Understand that obviously this programme will change my life once more, this time positively. It can sometimes lead to certain users lashing out at people who announce stuff like this, however getting to know you guys has made me ultimately confident you are not as bad as those sort of reactions. If any issues occur or this leads to the downfall of this Roleplay, which I promise you I will try my up-most hardest to maintain because I'm starting to see hope for this wonderful group I have so far, I deeply apologise in prior weeks. Again, I just want to say a big thank you for bringing this RP to a good start and hope to bring you guys a great experience in this story. Also I wanna recruit one or two Co-GMs. Please message me if you are interested in assisting me run this Roleplay!