[center][h1][color=f6989d]Prince Trio[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/e15/11356844_775920712507090_1838895212_n.jpg[/img][/center] Full Name: Richie (Red) Angelo (Yellow) Skyler (blue) Gender: Male These three boys were born from a spirit creature and a human. With their unnatural birth, they were born to have a supernatural ability of immortality. Being that, they've been living for about 3,000 years now and have done many things in the past such as ruled kingdoms, fought in wars, seen history repeat itself and so on but now, being wanderers to discover all the world's secrets and explore the pleasures of life, they have an eternal journey of discovery before them. These guys can fit in almost any genre. They brothers of pleasure and seek to find such. Anyone can RP with one or all of them. Personality: Richie: Serious, headstrong, adventurous, curious, smart, and brave. Angelo: Cool, calm, and collected. Flirty, enjoys a little humor, caring, and very talkative Skyler: Shy, kind, quiet at times, sort of jaded, at doubt sometimes, and morbid Occupation: Richie- Physical Therapist. Angelo- Model Skyler- College student (Will add more soon)