[@Silver Carrot] Post is up. If you're enjoying the dialogue and want to roleplay out the meal then by all means, I'd be happy to. If the dialogue is getting in the way of fighting though feel free to time skip to the mock combat or let me know where you want to pick it up, I'm good either way. So far as the mock fight with the student I can swap in Aibhilin if you'd rather, I only threw in a student because it seemed more lore appropriate but isn't necessary by any means, and take it however you want. For the purpose of the narrative Rags could win, lose, some of both, doesn't matter, and from an Arena/Fight Theory perspective I'm just going to introduce the basic idea that a student would realistically have, so it's meant more as educational fun then anything competitive at all with the fallback of it not mattering to the narrative whether or not she wins or loses. Basically just trying to keep it all cool as a cucumber and stress free. EDIT: If however you want to win feel free to go at it with everything you got, and we can do it that way. Whatever you want to do with it.