[h2]Dragonstone[/h2] (with [@MrDidact]) In the Great Hall of the ancient citadel of House Targaryen, Lord Corlys Velaryon held court. Queen Rhaenyra and King Daemon were both still away, along with most of the royal family including his wife, and as Hand of the Queen, it was Corlys' duty to hear petitions, settle disputes, and dispense justice as needed. Most of the week was embroiled in meetings with bannermen and dispatching envoys and missives to potential allies and vassals. Negotiations with the Iron Bank's representatives alone had taken several days, but Corlys managed to secure the wealth of House Velaryon and Targaryen and gain a line of credit with very forigivng terms. If there was no war, Corlys could give the money back with no trouble. He had help in the rest of the Black Council of course, but with the Queen gone, Corlys didn't want to name any official position-holders to Small Council titles. He didn't even fill out the Queensguard, besides naming Ser Steffon the Lord Commander. Such were matters that Rhaenyra had to consult with him upon her return, and he hoped that was soon. They needed Jeyne's support, because at this point, Corlys had hit something of a brick wall in finding more houses to swear for them. The Greens had the Lannisters and the Hightowers, and if word was to be believed, the Princes of Dorne as well. Corlys needed some Great Houses to step forward if there was any chance of swaying undecided lords and knights. He had received word from Daeron of his failure to get commitment from House Roxton, but thankfully his efforts with families such as the Beesburys were more promising, and he was now making his way through the Riverlands. His last stop before Dragonstone would be Maidenpool. Corlys hoped that word of the declaration of Jeyne Arryn, Borros Baratheon, Cregan Stark, or even Dalton Greyjoy would add weight to Daeron's entreaties. Corlys knew that Lord Tully was a staunch Green supporter, but Corlys also knew his grandson, Elmo. Corlys couldn't send a missive without being discovered and it would have been too risky for Daeron to step foot there with the Clubfoot's spies everywhere, but Corlys hoped that Elmo was pleading with his grandsire on their behalf. Thankfully their armies and fleets were much stouter than they had been a few weeks ago with the addition of every hedge knight, sellsword, freerider, and sellsail Corlys was able to get his hands on. He had even sent out word to those men who had fought with Daemon and himself in the past. Their army of second sons, cutthroats, adventurers, and mercenaries. The word had been that the Stepstone Kingdom was destroyed but those men were still handy in a fight. Corlys hoped they could come fight for them once more. The word from Aerion, his nephew and master-at-arms, was that the Driftmark fleet had blockaded the Gullet and stopped all trade and traffic in and out of Blackwater Bay. With the ships from Captain Saan and their other bannermen, they had more than enough, considering that Corlys had been in possession of the majority of the royal fleet. King's Landing's merchants would be feeling the loss of sea custom keenly, and mayhaps the King would as well. It wouldn't be enough to get them to capitulate however. For that they needed more allies. As for the Tyrells, they had taken no action beyond calling their swords and fortifying Highgarden and it's domains. They seemed content so far to let their bannermen choose a side, and many had gone Black or Green while others remained just as neutral or answered the Tyrells' calls. At least they hadn't declared for King Aegon but they had not answered any of Corlys' missives. Perhaps he could wite another letter, asking them to endorse a peace summit. That would be something at least. He resolved to do so once the petitions were done. His grandnephew and steward Baelor was in command at High Tide and would be hearing petitions in Corlys' name, but Corlys would have to hear from matters originating both on Dragonstone and throughout their growing Queendom. So far there hadn't been too many complaints, but he had never enjoyed the duty as a young man and liked it even less now. But he was resolved to grin and bear it. For his good-daughter, the mother of his grandsons, and his Queen. Seeing as open war was on the horizon, Corlys was dressed as a warrior. His days of fighting with longsword and dagger or with bow and arrow may have passed, but he knew that if the fighting started he would still command ships in battle. He had to look the part. And so he had worn armor. Elegant, exquisite gilded steel plate with sea green scales and white enamel with sea serpent heads for pauldrons. Beautiful and functional. A white cape with a turqouise border draped over his shoulder, pinned in place by his badge of office, the pin of the Hand of the Queen. His Valyrian steel dagger, Mermaid's Kiss, with it's dragonbone hilt carved in the shape of a curvaceous mermaid, was sheathed at his belt, which bore a teal Velaryon sea horse buckle. Corlys sat on the carved Dragon Throne of the Targaryens, a formidable if uncomfortable and unfamiliar seat compared to his own Driftwood Throne. It had been shaped with Valyrian magic and fire and despite it's hard black stone doing no favors for his old back, it was an imposing seat nonetheless. Despite his age, he looked every inch the Lord of the Tides, the Sea Snake, and the greatest captain of the fourteen seas. Ser Aemon, his grandnephew,, stood at attention with the Velaryon Honor Guard at the walls of the dragon-shaped great hall, while Lord Commander Steffon stood at his right side in his immaculate white armor and cloak. The other Queensguard and Ser Valarr were watching Princess Rhaena, and the young princes Aegon and Viserys. The boy Baelon, his squire and great-grandnephew, stood proudly at his left side. Mushroom, the bulbous-headed dwarf and court fool, was dressed in motley and sat on a special stool with a wicked smile on his face. Various lords, ladies, knights, and sundry courtiers were aligned along the galleries and whispered amongst themselves as the herald called the next petitioner. The man banged his staff and cried, "Serjeant Gerald of the Dragonstone Garrison!" The man in question, a grizzled old war horse who had served in the Dragonstone garrison for decades stepped forward, slapping his fist to his chest, before bending the knee, "M'lord Corlys." Corlys smiled, gesturing for him to rise, "No need to stand on formaility, Serjeant, we've known each other for years. What have you come to say?" The Serjeant stood with his arms crossed behind his back, "I came to say sir that Lieutenant Lyle has well, returned from his mission." Corlys arched a brow. The Lieutenant had been a known dragonseed and longtime loyal follower of Daemon's. He had volunteered to try claiming one of the dragons on the island, "Well?" Gerald winced and said, "Silverwing did not take to him and he was burned over half of his body m'lord. His men managed to stave the flames and drag him back to the garrison. They don't know if he will survive the night." Corlys sighed. At least he wasn't dead yet. Or eaten. None of the seeds so far had managed to tame a dragon, though quite a few military men had volunteered. Corlys had forbidden any of the non-Valyrian noblemen from trying and though most managed to escape with their lives, a few had not been so lucky, and the bloody failures had put off the Celtigars and Sunglasses who had wished to try their hand. Even Valarr and Aemon were reluctant to volunteer. The Sea Snake spoke, "I'll have the Grand Maester sent to his bed to try his best to save him. And the Septon shall pray for him as well. However if the worst comes to pass, I will see to it that a weregild is paid and that his family will be taken care of. In the meantime, have your captain promote a worthy replacement. And suspend the other volunteers from trying for the moment." Gerald nodded, "Your will be done m'lord." Corlys nodded, "Thank you Serjeant, dismissed." Gerald saluted Corlys and turned to leave. Mushroom said aloud, "Luckily enough, I believe cremation was Lyle's preference." There were chuckles and snorts throughout the hall and Corlys managed to keep from grimacing. He gestured to the herald. The man nodded and banged his staff, "The Hand of the Queen will take a momentary repreive from the petitions. All petitioners are welcome to remain waiting and enjoy refreshment and entertainment before petitions resume." He banged his staff once more and the dozen or so petitioners nodded in acceptance and the courtiers broke into conversation as servants began passing around food and drink. The larders were full, fishing was plentiful, and they received all the trade that King's Landing couldn't. For the forseeable future, Dragonstone could afford to be generous. The herald called, "Presenting Black Val the bard!" It was the moment, Val thought and he inhaled. The travel had been harrying and tiresome, and he had lost many a friend he could no longer mourn. Truth to be told he wanted to crawl in his cot and bask in solitude from morning to evening, but his was the trade of entertainament. What use would be a moping and sad bard to the Lords and Ladies? Still, for Corlys Velaryon, he made the effort. His saviour would have his best songs, bought on a debt a life could not fulfill. He was dressing in his finest black and white suit, and he had to play the part. He eyed the only other survivor of the diminished troupe, Al. Somber and dressed in brown, but with a flute in her hands. He whispered something in Valyrian to the young teenager, which nodded and rested the flute in her mouth. "Ladies and lords, I myself must apologize that my troupe is so diminished. This was not planned nor intentional. But fear not! I shall entertain for five!" He cheered, fake encouraging words that sounded true. "So, any song petitions? Or shall my humble self choose the repertoire?" He said in his calid voice, rapping the cords of his Lute in a quick succession. There were multiple calls from the courtiers, including such mainstays as Florian and Jonquil, the Bear and the Maiden Fair, the Dornishman's Wife and even some requests for reigious hymns and homilies while others called for recounts of the adventures of the Rogue Prince or the Sea Snake their host. Several called for even bawdier works than the Bear and Maiden Fair. Val eyed the different petitions. Certainly, the sombre ambience yelled for some levity, but he found distasteful to start with the Bear and Maiden Fair all of sudden. That was better reserved for parties where everyone had more than three cups of wine. Luckily, one offered a reasonable escape. The Sea Snake, his host needed also be cheered, so he decided on that one. Nodding to his child, he indicated her to start playing her part with the flute, as he began to drive his lute to life. And he sang, the embellished life of his gracious Host, Corlys Velaryon. Peerless Lord, sailor and adventurer. Tales of exotic lands and plunder rolled from his tongue as he kept spinning around the room, reenacting the wandering of the Sea Snake himself. Moreso, in the more saucy parts, he even drew perhaps a little too close to a fair maiden or two, before retreating with the agility of a cat as he resumed his play and dance. He even confessed he added even a part or two, detailing an embellished tale of his rescue, or as his song said. "This poor wandering soul searching for music, love and fortune." As he finished, he motioned for a servant to bring him a pitcher of drink as he decided on a second song. He had hoped that acting had caught their attention. The song was a resounding success. There was plentiful clapping and applause, and more than a few maidens had nearly swooned. Even Mushroom seemed to crack an appreciative smile. Baelon stood even prouder and beamed at his uncle and every Velaryon man in the hall stood tall with head high. Corlys smiled at Val, recalling younger days. They seemed so much brighter in contrast to these present storms, but the Sea Snake knew it hadn't all been gold, glory, girls, and battle like the song. It had been sweat, tears, blood, and death as well. He wondered if they would still sing songs of him once this was all said and done. Corlys put the thoughts out of his head and applauded as gamely as any man, raising his wine glass in an appreciative gesture. "A fine song, from an even finer singer. I've had the tales recounted to me countless times but this performance puts them all to shame. Masterful playing from you both. Although, you left out some of the bits involving Lys." He laughed and the court laughed with him and they all applauded once more, calling for another song. "Well, my lord, it shames me, but my memory sometimes is spotty in these kinds of songs. But fear not! I surely will remember those bits in a private session...but only for the fair ladies." He added making a rogue wink at the female part of the gathering. "FUUUIT" The flute of Al's came to life in a strident noise, a cue of one of their numbers. "What do you mean I can't sing love songs, Al?" "FUIIIT" The flute resounded again. "Yeah, I know you are half Lyseni. But I bet you I can do much better than this!" Val said acting flawlessly on the uptake. These had been a number they had been preparing for a while, and to be told... it was probably the only duet number they could play at any time. "Watch me! I shall do the duet of Jonquil and Florian." "Fuiifufit." The flute sounded again, this time as if it was a snappy remark. "I know a good person to play that part. You!" Val pointed as Al negated, making some gestures that Val, perhaps was more or less not entirely right in the head. "Ah! That is where you are wrong!" The bard said. "I shall make you a fine Jonquil!" He added as he closed the gap between the two."With my musical hand, such a thing is possible!" He said, as he yanked the cap out of Al's head. All of a sudden, the silver-golden hair of a young girl cascaded all over her shoulders, the face and the purple eyes of Alysanne fully revealed, as Val wasted little time in stripping the layer of obscuring brown cloth, revealing the white dancing dress and the brass jewelry underneath. He waited for a second, letting people recover, as he began to sing his part, that of the Fool Florian. Alysanne for her part, just cleared her throat, and without the smallest hint of hesitation in her voice, began singing Jonquil's part when needed. Corlys raised an eyebrow as several in the court gasped in surprise. They would have begun whispering and murmuring until the melodic singing of the man and girl enraptured them, rooting them to their seats as they watched and listened. There were laughs, there were smiles, and there were sighs as maidens eyed Val and young boys blushed at the silver-haired girl. Corlys for his part was pensive. If the girl had silver hair, then she had Valyrian blood. A Lysene mother perhaps? Most like the daughter of some prostitute that Val visisted at one point. And yet now Corlys had to wonder. He watched Val sing and dance, looking at his night black hair, and tried to get a better view of his eyes. The song continued. Val kept playing for quite a while, eyeing the movements of his daughter with a keen eye. Obviously, the girl was doing it well, although she was running short of breath quite quickly due to her inexperience. A couple of times he considered stopping her in fear she would stutter or stammer due to the effort, but she managed to pull through. Val smiled this time, in a more frank manner as he addressed the audience with a hint of paternal pride. "Ladies and Lords, my daughter, Alysanne. Today was her debut. I hope you enjoyed her song. As a father and teacher I know I did!" He said, prompting the round of applause as both singers caught their breath. Val grasped the brown cloth and hat, and put them back on Alysanne to shield her from the drafts. Dragonstone was far from a warm castle, and he could not afford a cold breaking her voice. <<"You did well. Go get some honeylemon.">> He said to the girl in Valyrian as he patted her shoulders, turning once back to the lords and ladies, ready for their questions and answers. Specially Corlys, he had been staring him a lot. Well, he had used his best number on him, as a reward for saving him. He had hoped he had appreciated it. There was a standing ovation as the lords and laides applauded the duet, and ladies and lords alike threw scraps of silk and flowers on the striking pair, gold coins landing at their feet as the crowd shouted to their praises. Corlys stood from his throne and clapped as well, raising a glass, "A toast to the magnificent Val and his beautiful daughter Alysanne. You best keep close watch on her Val, you have a beauty on your hands." The guests raised their glasses and drank to the two singers as a nearby knight offered his cloak to the young Alysanne. Mushroom clapped before shouting with a smirk, "Daughter? You lie, Val, the girl is far too fair to come from your loins." Corlys drew Val's eye and whispered to Baelon who came to Val and said, "Lord Corlys desires an audience after the peitions are done." Baelon blushed when he saw Alysanne and averted his eyes, passing Val a coin pouch, "The lord's compliments." He withdrew as servants came forward to them with refreshment to rest their voices. Eventually the applause died down and the pair bowed out. The herald came and resumed order, calling the petitioners back in and Corlys resumed settling disputes and hearing entreaties, looking at Val out of the corner of his eye as the petitioners began to trickle away. Val bowed graciously, accepting the compliments as he picked up the assorted gifts that fell at his feet, specially the coins. His visage twisted for a second, upon hearing the fool's japes. "Well, If I have been made a cuckold, I am no less glad for it. She is quite the fair beauty!" Val added, taking the hit with stride and fixing a rose upon his daughter's hair, who had politely declined the knight's cape. He could notice her grip on his clothes as a small voice whispered to him. "Too many stares." Val sighed as he begun to shield Alysanne from the public, all while he listened to Baelon. "He shall have it, lord Baelon. Fear not." He whispered back, as he took his timid a daughter to a more private space. It always happened like that. Alysanne had good discipline and she could act before the crowds, but at a personal level... far too many disappointments in her life for someone so young. He sipped the wine he was offered graciously, as he let the people thin out. What was the Sea Snake up to? Corlys resumed listening to pleas and complaints, settling matters as efficiently but justly as possible and maintaining grace. It was not easy to bear whinging and wheedling in silence and poise but he had long practice of doing so and the last batch of petitioners were soon dealt with to the best of his ability. The herald came forward and said, "That concludes petitions for the day, Lord Corlys will now retire." The last of the petitioners left and some of the courtiers started to file out of the great hall as Corlys stood and started walking to his private office as Hand, near his own quarters. Once he arrived, Baelon helped him put his armor back on the stand and change into his silk doublet before the squire was dimissed. Corlys hung up Mermaid's Kiss on a rack near his desk and got two glasses, pouring wine into one while he waited for his guest to arrive. "Such a pity, I bet there were three... no, four...fair maidens who would have shared their bed with me tonight." Val whispered to himself as he trudged towards Lord Corlys' quarters, only being silenced by an spiteful stare of his own daughter. "Act like the man you are supposed to be, father." She whispered in her small voice as she pushed the bard towards his goal. Val groaned a fair bit, before being reigned in the inevitable and arriving at Corlys quarters. He announced himself with a pronounced bow, and so did his daughter. "You called, my lord, and so I shall answer to the one who I owe my life. What do you wish from this poor bard?" Val said solemny, still a bit stung he had obligations and could not chase the right amount of skirts to sate the thirst these days. Corlys gestured at Val to come closer, "Join me for a drink, Val. As for you Alysanne, I hope you like lemon cakes." He gestured to a plate of the scrumptious desserts nearby and poured her a glass of cider before pouring some wine for Val. Waiting until the bard was seated, he raised a glass, "Two beautiful daughters. I lost mine far too soon, Val. But I pray the gods are kinder to you and yours." He drank, draining the glass as he thought of Laena before saying, "Your daughter really is striking. I would say almost familiar looking." He looked into his eyes, "And so are you, I would say." Val nodded. Well, that kind of thirst could be sated aswell. His stare then went for Alysanne, who silently nodded to lord Corlys. He wished she was more vocal in front of strangers when not performing, but under his stare, the young girl caved in. "I...thankyou." She stuttered in almost a whisper, cluttering the words together "mlord." She bowed herself out and began eating the cakes thoughtfully, as Val and Corlys talked. "Lord Corlys. I owe you my life. If you need to know who I am, I will gladly tell." Val said, as he breathed deep. "It's about time she also knows." He added, glancing sideways to Alysanne. "Have you heard the sad tale of the Winter Child of the Old King?" Corlys filled his cup again, "Of course. Gael Targaryen was my kinswoman. I know my history. The Old King's sweet but simple daughter, born in the winter. The Good Queen's favorite. Seduced and used by a singer and left with child." He paused, "By all reports, she died before she gave birth." "Well. Tales about that are spotty in any circumstances. Turns out... I was the last person who saw her alive and sound. And I can assure the last bit, is debatable." He paused as he raised his cup slowly."She only said a single word, when her eyes and mine met. At least what the other people say. I can't really remember that part so well." He added, as instead of gulping, the beverage fell on the crown of his hair, washing away part of the dye and bringing forth his true hair color. "She said. Valerion." Val said with no small amount of sadness. "And gave me to a passing troupe. I found out much later. Valerion Waters. The ugly child of the sin that killed Gael, drove the Good Queen Alysanne to madness and withered away the Wise King." He took a deep breath, as he eyed Corlys deep into his eyes. "With such claim, I would rather have hidden my inheritage than show it." He declared, as he rummaged through his clothes, producing a ruby and gold pendant that used to belong to his birth mother, and slid it towards Corlys. It was then when Alysanne was wracked with cough, as she nearly choked on one of the Lemon Cakes. "R-royal blood? I have...royal blood??" She said, her voice genuinely raised in surprise as her eyes went wide. Corlys managed to hide his shock well, but his eyes were still widened and he was at a momentary loss for words. He examined the necklace, the craftsmanship. The immaculate gem. And the inscription, signed with love from the Good Queen. He would have a jeweler examine it later to be sure. But in his heart he knew it to be real. And he was around the right age. Corlys finally regained his voice, "...I was but a young man when this all happened. I experienced it. We looked for you. The King, Gael's brothers. Myself. The whole family searched for your mother and any hint of her child. I don't know how many nights I spent on a pole boat in the Blackwater looking." Corlys grasped Val by the face and looked into his violet eyes, seeing features he remembered from the Wise King, from the Good Queen. The resemblance was uncanny. Corlys withdrew his hand slowly, and said, "We thought you dead. After all this time..." Tears began to form in Corlys' eyes, as memories of family long dead and a time long past came back, "I found you." Almost in a whisper he said, "I kept my promise." He managed to say, "You always had a place with us, Valerion. We would have kept you safe. And given you the best." His mind was racing. The probability of his finding Gael's child staggered him. And he had no idea what Daemon and Rhaenyra would think. But he knew what he would do. "We'll keep you safe now. I swear it." Val's expression became a puzzle when he saw the old man's hand reach for his face, only to break into tears. He wanted to get away of the situation, but alas, he could not. His own daughter seemed to have had her thoughts frozen to an halt as she kept whispering inaudible words in her native valyrian dialect. Her hands seemed to move with their own will as she frantically kept trying to reign in what she had just heard. He sighed as he took another generous refill on his cup, and eyed Corlys. "Deep down I knew, but I could not face you people. Not after realizing how my mother died because I even existed. Valerion Waters is better off dead... I am only the bard known as Black Val, and I serve lord Corlys, my saviour." He took a sip, as he eyed his daughter. "The only thing I would want my blood links for is for my daughter to be safe. She is the one who suffered the most. My trickery is running out of options, and I am not getting any younger." He offered a bitter, tired smile, like someone letting go of a heavy weight upon his soul. Corlys got a hold of himself and said, "If you had, perhaps much sorrow could have been avoided." The death of Queen Alysanne, the decline of the Wise King, the succession crisis that followed. It was impossible to say and he wouldn't blame Valerion for such things. But an old man had to imagine. "Your daughter will be taken care of the rest of her life. I'll make sure of it. She will have only the best. She will rejoin her family. And you must know that once the rest of the family returns... I have to tell them. This is simply not possible for me to keep secret from Rhaenys, Daemon, or Rhaenyra." "The Wise King died when i was seven. Nothing much could have been done, for back then i could only follow my foster parents and had not known the truth yet. Afterwards... the point was moot." Val sighed. "Well, lord Corlys, If I have told you is because you owe my life now. You saved me and her from the pirates. Do what you want with the secret I confided you. I will not oppose it." Val added. "But one thing, I hate being called by my birthname. Bad memories." The bard said, finally relenting. It was then when a lemoncake landed on his face. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN MOOT!?" Alysanne screamed like a fury, in an uncharacteristic outburst. "YOU DRESSED ME LIKE A BOY WHEN I COULD HAVE HAD PRINCESS CLOTHES! YOU ARE A FOOL, FATHER! MORE THAN MUSHROOM!". Corlys muttered, "Well she has the Targaryen rage," under his breath and to himself with more than a hint of affection to it. And rose to stop Alysanne from throwing any more cakes, "Do not blame your father sweetling. Life takes many strange turns and we can never know how they would turn out. With the recent troubles with the Greens, perhaps it is for the better that Alicent Hightower never knew you existed." He came down to a knee and held her hand, "But you're with family now. You will be a princess, Alysanne. Just like your grandmother. You will be a friend to the other children, and you will have only the best in life. You have come home at last." Corlys moved to embrace the child and he looked at Val, "The Queen will feel the same way I am sure. And I will abide by your wish, though I hope one day you can embrace your name. Gael Targaryen was a good woman. I will do everything I can to do what I couldn't do before." [i]Targaryen rage? More like she became her mother for a second over there[/i] Val thought as he grimace, wiping the lemon cake out of his face. At least she had used something soft and not a leatherbound book like last time. Alysanne, unused to being embraced by other people other than her own father, went initially very stiff, only to relax significantly seeing as Corlys did not have any kind of ill intentions. "I..know." She answered."But that manchild needs to be chastised for his own stupidity sometimes." Alysanne clenched Corlys' arms as a pronounced scowl was formed. "My own mother dumped me on him when i was three after she extorted three gold dragons out of him. It's all I have." The last part of her speech had lowered down to a whisper. "Forgive my outburst, my lord." She added, before parting from Corlys embrace, as she shook her head. In the small voice of hers, she eyed the old man. "Cease tormenting yourself, lord Corlys. You did everything you could, and then some. No one will hold it against you. You must learn to forgive yourself." She stated in a soft, but easily understandable voice."A good Hand must keep the peace in their minds for a clear judgement. Don't worry much about me. I am easy to please. Some dresses,some books, a good tree to lean against..." She eyed the confectioneries once more. "...and lemoncakes." Val for the most part, was aghast. He had rarely seen Alysanne talk for that long to another person who wasn't of her closer circle. She probably was right. Her place was not with a flute on the roads, but at court. "Heh, that is my daughter for you, Lord Corlys. I don't know how she ended up like that, despite the meager teachings I gave her." Corlys smiled widely at the child, beaming with tears threatening to overtake him once more though he managed to hold them at bay this time. She reminded him of Rhaenys, of Rhaenyra, of Laena at the same age. And aye of her grandmother too. He nodded with a laugh, "Well, your father may have made some mistakes. But I'm sure you'll keep him out of too much trouble." The Sea Snake stood and said, "You will have all you desire and more, Alysanne. You will have coin, dresses, books, and everything you can desire. And I will see to it that you will have a fine betrothal as well to a worthy young suitor when the time comes." Corlys smiled at Val and said, "She is the Good Queen's great-granddaughter, she is a Targaryen in blood. Such is second nature to her, my bard. I cannot wait to give the King and the Queen the news when they return. Tonight, let us sup in private Val, Alysanne. Myself, my family here on Dragonstone, and you as the guests of honor. What do you say?" Val scratched the back of the head, sighing. "I cannot say no to such a request." He said, as he eyed Alysanne who gave her father a quick nod. "We shall attend. I rarely have ever seen Alysanne talk so much like today." Val thought. "Plus I rarely get to eat the food of Lords and Kings." It was when Alysanne simply frowned at Val, her eyes throwing daggers at him. He eyed her back. "What? You did enjoy the lemoncakes too. Don't lie to me." The bard snorted as Alysanne just muttered something under her breath about having no brain but his gut and his loins. "It will be a pleasure, lord Corlys." She said in a faint whisper. Corlys nodded happily, "Good good. I will make sure that only the best will be served at table. I'll introduce you to Princess Rhaena and the young boy princes as well. It will be marvelous. In fact...." He pulled a cord hanging next to the door and moments later a chambermaid appeared, Corlys said, "Summon the court tailor and tell him to have some of his spare garments assembled. We need some suitable dresses for my dinner guests tonight." He turned to Alysanne with a smile, "Alysanne would you like to accompany her to see some dresses and pick some out? I can have a jeweler present some oddments as well." Alysanne looked at Corlys, and then at Val. She instinctively drew backwards from Corlys, her reluctance and shyness making it so she could not fully trust the man. "A.." She tried to say something, before she clenched her fists and tried to get ahold of herself."Allright." She answered back, forcing herself to not run away. So many people, so much attention lately outside the play. She cursed her father under her breath. Why did he had brought the attention upon her? These stares hurt. And there would be more at the dinner. But, she knew better than to snub Corlys. She had seen his eyes. Brimming with regret and tears, begging for something to quench the sorrow of past failures. Her shyness could wait. And even if she was stiff as a board, and somewhat shaking, attempted to follow the Sea Snake's chambermaid. Corlys smiled and waited until they were past for the Sea Snake to close the door, "A fair maiden. Shy, but perhaps being around other children and having protectors and family around will change that." He turned back to Val and sighed, sitting down, suddenly feeling weary as he got his own lemoncake. He may have been old but he wasn't dead, and those treats were delicious. Corlys took a bite, then said, "What do you envision for your future and hers, Val?" "Future huh? Dying in a fair maiden's tits when I am too old to keep travelling the roads and captivating hearts. That was my original idea." Val answered bluntly to Corlys. "That little one changed everything ever since. And I have been heavy on the improvisation lately. I probably don't know now. Maybe for her to become a fine woman and live the life she deserves, despite being the daughter of a prostitute. You should have seen her when that harpy of mother of hers dumped her on me. She was three, and full of bruises." Val said as he shrugged. Corlys replied, "You're with House Targaryen once more. You have a future here. And for yourself it can be anything you desire. You won't have to tramp through the roads in squalor any longer. You can have the best for your shows if you wish to keep performing." Corlys poured Val some wine and said, "We can rise far in life. Far beyond where we started. Your daughter isn't a prostitute's get. She is a princess' granddaughter. That's what matters." The Sea Snake sipped his wine and said, "She is still a child, but she has a bright future ahead of her. I will discuss with her what she envisions. Perhaps once Rhaenyra wins, she will be a Septa. If not, eventually she should be wed. Your daughter cut a striking figure today at court. In a few years she will be a woman, and the knights and lordlings will vie for her favor." Corlys looked at Val, "But I will not have her end the same way as her grandmother. I will not allow it. If she wishes to remain a lady of the court, I believe she should have a fine husband to suit her. We need not worry now, but once the time comes, I can arrange a suitable match for her." Val's stare decided to wander towards the cup. "I owe you my life. So I will do whatever you tell me to do. If you wish me to parade around my Targaryen blood and do backflips for the glory of the House, then so be it. But I would rather live on my own name than my family. Too many responsibilities. As for Alysanne, fear not, lord Corlys. She will not end up like my own mother. That child has seen far more harsh truths than grown men in their entire lives. But your offer is greatly appreciated, nevertheless. I always found myself lacking and undeserving of her true talents, and all I could cobble together was a way for her to strike out on her own if need be." Corlys nodded, "Perhaps someday you will embrace your blood, but it is your destiny. Regardless, you have choices now. You can afford to not have to worry about survival. And your daugher can thrive now. Reach her full potential." The old man sat back and said, "These are concerns for a future day. But this has been a light in the past dark times. You may take your leave now, Val, I will see you later tonight. I will be here a while." Val nodded, deciding it was futile to dwell on the issue too much. He took Alysanne's cap to hide his silver hair, and he left after performing a corteous bow, towards his room. There would be time to think later, after he readied himself for the meal with Corlys and his family.