The great hammer flew higher rapidly but Ada made it clear she didn't want him going anywhere by pouring more resources into launching purple tendrils at Oz and his vehicle of choice. At the rate her grasp approached she would reach him before anything else happened. He launched a volley of ki blasts at the reaching ooze futilely. There was too much too fast. He would need to think bigger to counter something like that. With his hand flat against the flying hammer Oz imprinted into it a specific command, using Atlas' semi-sentient energy that still clung to it. He kicked down against the haft and let it continue upward in a spin. Oz lost his footing, allowing himself to falling a few feet before redirecting himself downward. In an abuse of his power over gravity, Oz dodged the initial tendrils by arcing back upward, twisting around and looking back down in a briefly suspended space in the air. [color=violet]"[i]Intimate[/i]. Alright. I'll play."[/color] Ada had volumes more ooze than what she was using. It was safe to assume if she caught him unprepared that she would win in spite of all his defensive bluster. He needed to close distance and make such volume and strength over mass impossible to use. Oz reeled back his left arm and began charging energy into it, it gave off a nearly blinding violet light as the skin itself radiated. It was such an intense amount of ki that he risked disabling or destroying the whole arm in order to guarantee his success against Ada. This was likely the most risky move he'd done in a long time but playing it safe isn't always playing for keeps. You must be willing to sacrifice if you want victory over a universe-shattering force. The descent began. The usual personal shield protecting Oz went up but it seemed like the shield had trouble protecting the empowered arm. Oz went down, left-arm first and shooting straight toward Ada. [color=violet]"I bet Jenso would call this something."[/color] He whispered against the wind.