The boys were mostly out of bed by now, and all were in some stage of their morning rituals, which could vary from orphan to orphan. Stretches, dressing in their day clothes, prayers to various gods and spirits for those so inclined to believe, and so on. "Up, boys! Breakfast is coming soon! Don't delay!" The voice of a hall monitor broke through the lethargy which had lingered over the room. If they weren't moving before, they certainly were now. Aurelian began the usual march out of the room to the mess hall. It would be time for food, then the roll call, followed by bathing. Only after that would the real rigors of the day begin. Every moment was precious, so he didn't hesitate. Feeling the smooth floor under his bare feet, the human was careful not to step on anyone else, especially if they had claws on their toes. Arjun walked next to Guy, lining up with the other males to file out of the room. "So, uh... you know that they don't want using using footwear in the orphanage, right? Not indoors at least."