[@ineffable] The Captain watched Isabella step off the carriage, hand on her sword. Her elegant poise, serene expression, and magical power put her as one of the most unique noble figures he'd ever laid eyes on. If instinct hadn't told him to bow, he'd have done so anyway for the regal might standing before him. "So, what is your name?" came a lovely voice. He looked up to behold a smile upon her lips. Even though it failed to reach her eyes, it still melted his tension somewhat. The way she flicked a strand of hair behind her shoulder sent his heart soaring with awe. "I... I am Sir Byron, milady. Erm, Bruce Byron. I am here to escort you to the king." Sir Byron armed his spear and walked with her through the halls. "The king has been inconsolable as of late. He's been pacing to and fro, muttering to himself about esoteric things, subjects that even the kingdom's greatest sages dare not let pass their lips. Your sister, too, has lost her usual bubbly charm, keeping mostly to her room while she weeps upon the bed. It's been chaos, milady. I'm relieved you're here, though I'm aware you were summoned. Can you help?"