Oz clutched at his shoulder as if pressing it closer might ease the pain. [color=violet]"What happened to your speech Ada? Did I mishear that you have a grasp of mortality. Life can be lonely. You may have forgotten how precious it is to have family until now. To be attached, welcomed..."[/color] He grunted, rolling his shoulder. [color=violet]"To understand mortality is to understand weakness and loss. I am not a god or pretend to be one like you say, Ada. And if Geode was my god then I will never be what he was. I am weak. Welcome to my world."[/color] Oz kept mentally counting. Ticking away at the seconds left that he planned. He just prayed it wouldn't kill him too. The hammer was falling. Fast. Everyone in the battlefield could see it. Everyone except Oz and the one who used to see everything.