Yuki waved a tiny hand at Aria as she entered, the girl was full of excitement. She'd had an active day learning about Whiterun, and this would be perfect to top it all off before a heavy sleep. In a new land, with new smells, sights, tastes and peoples, she felt wonderful despite the incidents with the Thalmor and the giants. She'd brushed it off and forgotten already... Young ones always seemed to be full of energy, even in bad times. "It smells so nice, Mr Crystalis!" she exclaimed, taking a seat beside Serena and eyeing up the selection. She looked at the woman's plate with curiosity and would go about trying the same things, slowly shoveling it all onto her own with a fork and spoon. Aria, needless to say, was in awe once she saw the table! "Gods... This is probably better than what they're dining on in Dragonsreach tonight. I think someone deserves a bonus..." his boss said calmly, grinning as she sat down. She seemed chilled out, with a weak aroma of skooma clinging to her clothes. She untied her belt, hanging it on the corner of the table, the katana's tip just touching the floor. "...I feel like this should be a regular thing."