"Wouldn't mind the chance to flex the old cooking muscles more often." Cronic said, prior to chomping down on a bit of steak, wiping his mouth clean afterwards, while Serena took an entire chicken leg and picked it clean in a matter of seconds. "When you live a nomadic lifestyle and you have to sleep out in the wilds for the night, whatever's for dinner is whatever you've got to hand at that time. It's a bit dangerous to go wandering in the dark for food after all. I lost count of the nights where it was just me, a campfire, a battered cookpot and some crude skewers fashioned from fallen branches. That being said, you can learn a lot of tricks this way. Even the most simple meals such as a grilled fish can become a treat for your senses if you can find something to use as a seasoning while you're on the go... You've just gotta take care not to use something poisonous by accident." Cronic said, before taking a bite out of a carrot. "I learned that one the hard way; I was sick for half a week afterwards. It's a welcome change, and a bit more satisfying, to eat cooking in a safe haven you made yourself."