Malone was in a world of hurt. It was almost like a completely different universe. It made her entirely oblivious to what was happening in the other world where her team was involved in a high speed chase with unknown individuals. The thing that had found its way into her shoulder was now pumping dark energy into her body non stop. So much so that she could now feel a tangible connection being formed between the blade in her shoulder and the thing that it had apparently come from. It was like an invisible, yet undeniable tether, connecting her to a vile black darkness that pulsed something unknown, but distinctly disgusting. The profiler's body was now visibly shaking, cold sweat dampening her black t-shirt, plastering her short, dark hair to her forehead. "[i]Ssssssso freshhhhhhhh![/i]" Something hissed at Malone in the pain universe. "[i]Sssssssstrong vesssssssssssel.[/i]" Again the hissing voice penetrated Malone's mind. "[i]Want![/i]" The hiss proclaimed with a greedy finality and Malone felt the dark pain-energy of her new universe closing in around her. Tightening its hold on her, pulsing and shifting tighter and tighter around her mind. Suddenly there was a titanic rumble and the universe shook and the pain was upon her ever more fierce and all-consuming. "[i]Mine[/i]!" It proclaimed with a hungry slobber. All of Malone's muscles clenched in the effort to resist the command. She would not give in to the pain. She would not allow it to become a conduit for whatever wanted to take over. She strained every ounce of willpower she still possessed and ordered her right arm to move. She was taking back control of her body and that was that. The obsidian protrusion in her shoulder thrummed with power and vile venom. Malone struggled against the new infusion of pain when suddenly out of the blue she sensed Leon's presence. He was speaking to her, but she couldn't make out what he was saying. It was like she was under water and his words reached her distorted and unintelligible. He placed something on her face and the object immediately clamped down. And then more agony as the man grasped the obsidian knife thing and pulled it out. This time Malone could not contain the howl of pain as it tore through every fiber of her being and almost robbed her of her senses. She managed to barely hang on to consciousness. Malone could no longer sense the tether between herself and the darkness that was there when the dagger was digging into her shoulder. The pain was also slowly, very slowly subsiding. Draining away with the last tendrils of dark, disgusting energy. But all was not good in the universe as she gradually became aware of the real world around her. They were still in the SUV. Morgan was the picture of grim determination behind the wheel. Leon was nowhere to be seen and Madeline... Madeline was strangely active and speaking in a weird voice that reminded her of... [i]No, that can't be possible![/i] Malone thought. And yet the voice, inflection and even the accent screamed Ellie. The SUV was pummeled by some unknown force, but whatever Leon had done in preparation wasn't allowing anything to get inside the interior of the car. Gradually a new presence made itself known in the back of her mind. On some scale it reminded her of the darkness she'd just fought against overtaking her. And yet, Malone felt strangely comfortable with this new presence. As soon as she thought it a voice sounded in her mind. "Hello." A vision of a scowling tiki flashed in her mind's eye. If it hadn't been for her association with Leon Malone wouldn't have even known what it was she just saw. This new [i]thing[/i] inside her mind was different from the previous entity. It was as if it was almost... respectful of its host. "I'm Ku." The tiki spoke to her again. "And you're welcome, by the way, for saving you from that demon you had stuck in your shoulder." "Wha..." Malone mumbled incredulous she was talking to a... a... an imaginary tiki. [i]Am I spending too much time around Leon?!?[/i] "Come now. No need for insults. Could a plain imaginary tiki save you from what I just did? And let me tell you. I don't perform out of the goodness of my heart." "Oh, no?" Malone got her voice and some of her brain cells back. "I suppose now you're gonna tell me you require some sort of payment." "Of course." The tiki spoke back. "I don't do pro bono! But my price is fair." "Sure." Malone shot back skeptically. True, she was kinda new to magic and magical practices, but she had made it a point to learn the most important basics. Whenever magic was involved, regardless of the type of practice, there was always the law of equivalent exchange. Be it the threefold law of wicca, or the contract type of magics of the voodoo practitioners. There was always a price and it was always equal to what was asked. A brutal price. "I see you're not a complete novice." Ku spoke. "Yes, there is a price for my services. Blood. Simple as that." Malone smirked. "Ku, was it? You can stop with the pitch. Whatever you're selling, I'm not buying. Leon stuck you to my face so I'm pretty sure he's probably made some sort of payment for your services." A creepy and yet somehow non-threatening laughter filled Malone's mind. "Can't blame a demon mask for trying." Silence. Coldness. Malone's head lolled to her chest, her vision blurred as she watched her blood flow out of the freshly vacated shoulder wound. The dagger must have created a tamponade, preventing blood loss. But now that it was out, the wound bled freely and Malone was once again enshrouded in coldness as she lost consciousness and slumped in her seat, the seat-belt keeping her upright.