[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/god-eater-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171014/8d0f28bc6251bfe70dc71261045d4f2b.png[/img][/url] [url=http://www.bullshift.net/data/images/2013/09/tumblr-tumblr-mo4way27321sv2icno1-500.jpg]Her Picture[/url] [url=https://fontmeme.com/god-eater-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171014/ae659d27bf1f1952ec3fb293d7952490.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr][hr] Sydney parked her Mercedes in the Visitor’s lot of Metropolis University and as she got out of her car glanced over at the huge building of Star Labs and wondered what sort of things they might be involved in at the moment then dismissed the thought as none of her concern. She was here today at the request of Dr. Werner to decipher strange alien texts found in a dig conducted by the school in Central America. They were suspected to not being of this earth or at least that’s what the schools antiquity department assumed and she was here to verify their findings and write for them a decipher key to be their Rosetta stone. She had done this little chore in several universities around the world; sometime they brought the articles here to her or flew her to them and this was local so no flying required. She was met by the doctor and his eager staff then lead into a clean room where she had to wear a full body suit and surgical mask because the medium was a fragile form of paper which they were worried might degrade if they didn’t control the humidity and even light so she was required to do her reading in a dim light. She had experienced such problems before and knew she could work around it so she walked in and sat down with a smile. She began by reading the parchment in it’s original language using a stylus To indicate which symbols correspond with which sound which took her only a few minutes for each page then she began again in English in their phonetic order and finishing in what she called common [color=BC8F8F]"Hail, you who carry away hearts! Hail, you who steal hearts, and who make the heart of a man to go through its transformations according to its deeds, let not what he has done harm him before you! Homage to you, O you lords of eternity, you possessors of ever lastingness, take you not this heart into your grasp, and cause you not words of evil to spring up against it; for it is the heart of the offering, and it belongs to him of many names, the mighty one whose words are his limbs, and who sends forth his heart to dwell in his body. The heart is triumphant, and it is made new before the gods: he has gained power over it, and he has not been judged according to what he has done. He has gotten power over his own members. His heart obeys him, he is the lord, it is in his body, and it shall never fall away therefrom. I, Manyhands, victorious in peace, and triumphant in the beautiful waters and on the mountain of eternity, bid you my heart to be obedient to me in the underworld."[/color] she read the first page 12 pages later the Doctor was beginning to be able to translate the texts on his own and his staff was beside themselves though she could see that one was still doubtful of her abilities and when she was younger she would have tried to convince the young woman but now more experienced she left the matter as it was and went to fetch a cup of coffee.