[@DeadDrop] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/revival-john-fogerty-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171008/64b7c018841641c3fa95f39a52424b24.png[/img][/url] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/68/e6/4c/68e64c11f7deb1dae747d147182ac184--native-american-girls-american-indians.jpg]Picture[/url] [url=https://fontmeme.com/revival-john-fogerty-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171008/6c919b66fc1e60ea136717b8116f3da3.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr] [color=0054a6]"I don't really like animals, specifically dogs. Horses are fine, we use them and we get use to how they work. Dogs, I think they are annoying and I hate how everyone has one. I saw that one dog that got messed up by the bear and thought about how much we wasted to save it. Also bringing back a baby bear, I must be fucked. Then there is you, staring at me all the time - I don't like it at all. I'm tired of being judged, especially by someone I don't know. By someone who talks to animals, you're kinda silly."[/color] was the Angered introduction Summer received from Amy. The diminutive young Witch paused weighing her response then spoke in a sweet and gentle tone she reserved for wounded animals she might come across in her exploration. [color=E175B1]Dogs do work as well guarding, hauling, fighting, and keeping you warm in the high snows; I owe my life to a pack of wolves I have befriended and they are only technically dogs. Your assessment of the effort wasted for the life of a dog for the dog wasn’t your family as it is April’s so the effort is her’s to ask and to give. The cub would be dead if Wacantoognaka, Generous Heart had not taken her in and become her mother and once more Petra’s choice to make.[/color] Her words are gentle and her expression friendly curiosity but behind it all is a sort of cold bloodedness almost a warning like Summer is one of the animals she speaks to and her tone is almost a copy of Amy's own voice. [color=0054a6]I like watching you Amy, you have yet to reveal your true nature and like a blossom unopened of a strange flower promise revelation, perhaps beauty but not all beautiful flowers are matched with a pleasant scent. You are accepted into the People who have found hope and that makes you family to me, to everyone in the Bands. You lack trust in others and yourself and wonder why you are isolated, to be trusted you must give your trust, if you will trust me then I will accept you Amy daughter of the Coyote. I will give you the trust you desire. I know people think I am strange, my habits Silly as you have pointed out but they use the medicines I make or have taught the others. People think you are strange and silly for your love of machines. Some wonder why you and others like you try to hold tightly the old world, why you don’t accept its fall; I am grateful you and the Techs don’t surrender even though I belong to the past now made whole as your’s dwindles with each year I pray for your success for it keeps the Beast at bay.[/color] Summer pauses as a sly smile blooms on her lips [color=0054a6]You have seen the Beast Amy, the one that walks like a man. You know his danger and how his anger knows an expression of cruelty which as a child you thought existed only in nightmares and the stories we read, watched, or heard. I know that till he breathes no more your heart will never feel completely safe. You are not alone and his days measured less than one year now because even now the Council plans his end. I know that is why you became a Trooper, why you have made yourself strong.[/color] Touches Cloud her White Raven flies over and settles on Summers left shoulder the huge Raven threatening to crush her under his weight. Summer picks up her pipe and strikes her lighter to it and inhales the rich and pungent mixture and smiles holding it before exhaling