[i][h3]The Vale[/h3][b]The Hall,[/b] [b]Currently[/b][/I] Despite the best efforts of Cesar Lorenzo Tidesong Bolivar to do that which the gnome could not, the great door dared not budge. Perplexing as this was, perhaps some much needed inspection would resolve the issue, to which the arcanely inspired Ysgardian answered. The man's hands soon began to trace the edges and stone, even the weathered wood and rusting iron, for any size or shape of disturbance. Once over he did this before something caught his attention; the grit of ages upon his fingers, he noted that the surface of stone inset and where the door itself laid was inconsistent. Rubbing more of the grime away, starting first with a corner, the man managed to reveal a portion of text, written in the blockish, ageless format. To neither the surprise of the accompanying wizard or swordsman, the words seemed as old as anything else here, further leaving to wonder the earlier musings of just how exactly time even passed. This became only more evident as Valmjr brushed away more and more of the chiseled etchings, revealing what seemed to be a clue of the warding placed upon it. Granted the bard could not read it, but something familiar about the text lingered, almost akin to a nagging. It certainly looked nothing like the beautiful, sweeping, elegant script of the Kingdom of Light, but some urge in him - that spark of light he carried in his heart - nudged him that way continuously. The warrior on the other hand, now smudged with grit and grim, noted the familiar characters despite their faintness and discovered some had all but crumbled. The purple gnome had noted this too and ran his fingers over the damaged text along the stone, looking to Valmjr briefly with an amiss expression before trying to better decipher it and failing. "Whatever it is, it's old! Really, really old! Can Birbin's friends read it?" [hider=Celestial] [i]Under the eyes of the gods, not all men die equal. Dare only - ghosts into the depths and suffer no more the thieves and interlopers. Might those to come earn their own place among this Hall - - and receive the worthy - as just reward. A curse upon those who dare sack this sacred ground. Might those unworthy come to know the power of - - and pay those debts which they have now made due. [/i] [/hider] [hider=Effects] Cesar too fails to manage the door's opening, perhaps something more is amiss? Valmjr however, notes as he physically investigates the door there is worn-in script, covered in dust and grime that lines the exterior of the door around the frame on the stone. Thumbing it away, he reveals text written in ancient [i]Celestial[/i] using the Ysgardian format, some of which is missing. [b]Score[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSMMZOYKV1c]The Crypt[/url] [b]Map[/b] [i]???[/i] [/hider] [@Cu Chulainn], [@Gordian Nought], [@Hekazu], [@JBRam2002], [@Rig]