[center] [h3] Alex [/h3] [@Banana][/center] [hr] Alex knocked lightly on the door before speaking. "They're always there, you know," she said quietly. "And villains hardly ever make sense, let alone the ones like these guys." Sitting down on the lone chair across from Anomaly, Alex sighed as she looked at the young woman. "I used to ask stuff like that. 'Why were those men allowed to do [I] that [/I] to me? Why was my brother allowed to be killed by a villain? Why do I have to be deaf?' But... We can't change the past. We can't change people. We'll always hit turbulent times, and as I've just recently realized... We need to rise above it. Be heroes in our own right, accept the cards aren't always great." Alex stood up. "Look, I'm sorry. But I want you to come with me. I'm sure you want revenge, and I could use help anyways. This group... They're bigger than any of us heroes can handle alone. And if you go after her alone... You'll die too. And that... That wouldn't make that girl happy, would it? So, what do you say?"