[center][img]http://nerdist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Halloween-Fan-Art-Featured-10282015.jpg[/img] [b][color=#A4F2F6]Fantasy[/color] • [color=F09678]Spooky[/color] • [color=#A4F2F6]Fiasco[/color][/b] [sup][b][color=9C6F9A]Small group • Dice • Short Roleplay[/color][/b][/sup][/center][b][h3][color=F09678]Premise[/color][/h3][/b][hr][color=9C6F9A]It's that spooOOooky time of year and that means a Fiasco one shot! It'll be a short roleplay that lasts [b]two Acts[/b] with [b]five players[/b]. This'll be a low-medium casual level. Fiasco is a simple system that uses dice to set up the game. We roll a bunch of dice at the beginning and then take turns to pick which dice we want to use. Using these dice, we pick certain elements to establish our character and the setting. During the game, we create scenes to try and write a good story. I'm happy to teach people the system, but for starters [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiasco_%28role-playing_game%29][color=#A4F2F6]this wiki page[/color][/url] explains it far better then I ever could. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXJxQ0NbFtk][color=#A4F2F6]Here's[/color][/url] what it looks like to play.[/color] [h3][b][color=F09678]Guidelines[/color][/b][/h3][hr][color=#A4F2F6][b]+[/b][/color] [color=9C6F9A]All RPers are expected to roll with the punches and throw themselves into it. This includes not getting your panties in a twist if someone uses a dice you were hoping to get.[/color] [color=#A4F2F6][b]+[/b][/color][color=9C6F9A] This is a horror roleplay so here's a quick warning on potential gore, violence, swearing, lude jokes, ect.[/color] [color=#A4F2F6][b]+[/b][/color][color=9C6F9A] By joining this RP you need to accept your character will not always get out of every situation unscathed. In fact, [b]half of all scenes are going to end badly[/b] - so chances are, something is just not going to work out. By the climax of the roleplay everything shall explode into anarchy. Fiasco isn't about running off into the sunset after happily ever after, it's about having a blast writing a dramatic story with a bunch of cool peeps.[/color] [color=#A4F2F6][b]+[/b][/color][color=9C6F9A] This is a low-medium casual roleplay. Posts are expected minimum once every five days. I'm hoping this'll be a faster moving roleplay as it is quite short in nature anyway :D[/color] [h3][b][color=F09678]Playsets[/color][/b][/h3][hr][b][color=#A4F2F6]Candy Apples and Razorblades[/color][/b] - [color=9C6F9A]set during halloween, a sleepy town holds some dark secrets like a haunted house, evil carnival, vampires, witches, cannibals... the usual stuff. As a Reminder everyone is required to have share [b]relationship[/b] and one [b]need, object or location[/b] with each adjacent player. We'll go through it a step at a time to make it easier :D See this nifty diagram below:[/color] [hider=Diagram] [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/161cd3aa1ee1bd1d10042a8f9a3be5de.png[/img][/center][/hider] [color=9C6F9A]Here are the Categories and possibilities you can roll. Initially we'll go through and pick a vague selection (e.g. using a 1 for family or a 5 for romantic)[/color] [h3][color=F09678]Relationships[/color][/h3][hider=Relationships] [list][*]1. [color=#A4F2F6][b]Family[/b][/color] [list][*] 1. Identical Twins [*] 2. Cousins [*] 3. Siblings [*] 4. Step-parent and step-child [*] 5. Grandparent and grandchild [*] 6. Eccentric Aunt/Uncle and Niece/Nephew[/list] [*]2. [color=#A4F2F6][b]School[/b][/color] [list][*] 1. Lab partners [*] 2. In an unpopular club together [*] 3. Teammates on a sports team [*] 4. Tutor and slacker [*] 5. Bully and victim [*] 6. Odd teacher and student [/list] [*]3. [color=#A4F2F6][b]The Past[/b][/color] [list][*] 1. Possession/Haunting [*] 2. Vampire master and sired vampire [*] 3. Knew each other in a past life [*] 4. Rivals [*] 5. Share a secret [*] 6. Bad blood [/list] [*]4. [color=#A4F2F6][b]Romance[/b][/color] [list][*] 1. Dating [*] 2. Mutual crush [*] 3. Secret admirer [*] 4. Former couple now Ex's [*] 5. Jilted lover [*] 6. In love with a ghost[/list] [*]5. [color=#A4F2F6][b]Crime[/b][/color] [list][*]1. Corrupt town official and toadie [*] 2. Slackers outside a convenience store [*] 3. Petty thieves [*] 4. Neighborhood vandals [*] 5. Juvenile delinquient and parole officer [*] 6. Villain's henchmen[/list] [*]6. [color=#A4F2F6][b]Community[/b][/color] [list][*]1. Members of the theatre [*] 2. Historical Society [*] 3. Church volunteers [*] 4. Sheriff and deputy [*] 5. Halloween dance organizers [*] 6. Secret society [/list][/list][/hider][h3][color=F09678]Needs[/color][/h3][hider] [list][*]1. [color=#A4F2F6][b]To Get Out[/b][/color] [list][*] 1. Of detention [*] 2. Of this town [*] 3. Of this curse I'm under [*] 4. Of a bad date [*] 5. Of babystting [*] 6. Of an eternal prison[/list] [*]2. [color=#A4F2F6][b]To get even[/b][/color] [list][*] 1. With a neighbor who stole a prized possession [*] 2. with the shopkeeper who sold you something evil [*] 3. With the monster that ate someone you loved [*] 4. With the mean girl at school [*] 5. With the neighborhood bully [*] 6. With the descendant of the one who cursed you[/list] [*]3. [color=#A4F2F6][b]To get rich[/b][/color] [list][*] 1. in chocolate bars [*] 2. by swindling the neighborhood [*] 3. by finding the old man's treasure [*] 4. Through grave robbing [*] 5. by stealing from the Halloween Ball's raffle pot [*] 6. through demonic power[/list] [*]4. [color=#A4F2F6][b]To get respect[/b][/color] [list][*]1. from the other kids, by having the best costume [*] 2. from your parents, by avoiding trouble [*] 3. from the hang, by smashing the most pumpkins [*] 4. from the other kids, by pulling a prank on the weird kid [*] 5. from a crush, by not looking like a wimp [*] 6. from your dark master, by enslaving the town[/list] [*]5. [color=#A4F2F6][b]To get the truth about[/b][/color] [list][*]1. about the neighbours [*] 2. about the strange lights from space [*] 3. about the sound in the woods [*] 4. about the strange experiments [*] 5. about the mayor's plans [*] 6. about the new teacher[/list] [*]6. [color=#A4F2F6][b]To get laid[/b][/color] [list][*]1. before the parents get home [*] 2. by your significant other, at last [*] 3. by that mysterious and good looking stranger [*] 4. to sate the curse's hunger [*] 5. at the Halloween Ball [*] 6. so you don't die a virgin[/list][/list][/hider][h3][color=F09678]Locations[/color][/h3][hider] [list][*]1. [color=#A4F2F6][b]The Gated Community[/b][/color] [list][*] 1. Bedroom [*] 2. The securty booth [*] 3. Backyard [*] 4. Neighbour's house [*] 5. The cul-de-sac [*] 6. Garage[/list] [*]2. [color=#A4F2F6][b]The Shopping Plaza[/b][/color] [list][*] 1. Hardware store [*] 2. Costume shop [*] 3. The old movie theater [*] 4. Dumpsters [*] 5. The diner [*] 6. The strange curio shop[/list] [*]3. [color=#A4F2F6][b]The Woods[/b][/color] [list][*] The Cabin [*] 2. The Lake [*] 3. A clearing with strange markings in the dirt [*] 4. The abandoned space craft [*] 5. The cemetary [*] 6. Campsite[/list] [*]4. [color=#A4F2F6][b]The School[/b][/color] [list][*]1.The science lab [*] 2. The gym [*] 3. The Cafeteria [*] 4. The Football field [*] 5. Principal's office [*] 6. Library[/list] [*]5. [color=#A4F2F6][b]The Carnival[/b][/color] [list][*]1. The ticket booth [*] 2. The hall of mirrors [*] 3. The haunted mine ride [*] 4. The shooting gallery [*] 5. The side show [*] 6. The fortune teller[/list] [*]6. [color=#A4F2F6][b]The Abandoned Mansion[/b][/color] [list][*]1. The Parlor [*] 2.The Wine Cellar [*] 3. The Pool [*] 4. The Servant's Quarters [*] 5. The Master Bedroom [*] 6. The Dungeon[/list][/list][/hider][h3][color=F09678]Objects[/color][/h3][hider] [list][*]1. [color=#A4F2F6][b]Secrets[/b][/color] [list][*] 1. The new neighbours are monsters! [*] 2. Mum and dad are cannibals! [*] 3. The faculty lounge is an alien communications room! [*] 4. The military is recruiting kids for an experiment! [*] 5. A witch's ghost wants revenge [*] 6. Something is hidden in the neighbour's basement![/list] [*]2. [color=#A4F2F6][b]Weird Science[/b][/color] [list][*] 1. Ray gun with bizarre effects [*] 2. Dad's new digital camera [*] 3. Alien egg [*] 4. A time portal to the 50s in a school locker [*] 5. Truth revealing X-RAY specs [*] 6. A radio that tunes into strange frequencies[/list] [*]3. [color=#A4F2F6][b]Magic[/b][/color] [list][*]1. Magician's top hat [*] 2. Clown Nose [*] 3. Witch's spell book [*] 4. A pull-string doll, but only you can hear it talk [*] 5. A suicide note written in disappearing ink [*] 6. A theatrical mask that possesses its wearer[/list] [*]4. [color=#A4F2F6][b]Icky[/b][/color] [list][*]1.Glowing ooze [*] 2. Grandpa's hungry dentures [*] 3. Animal paw/claw [*] 4. Jack o'Lanterns, waiting to be smashed [*] 5. Plastic bags of blood, but is it human or animal or...? [*] 6. Shrunken heads[/list] [*]5. [color=#A4F2F6][b]Valuable[/b][/color] [list][*]1. A vinyl record with a haunting melody [*] 2. A trick or treat bag stuffed with hundred dollar bills [*] 3. An egyptian scarab pendent [*] 4. A golden German Luger from WWII [*] 5. The keys to a blood red Ferrari from Hell [*] 6. A rare first issue of Deadly Comics - that predicts doom![/list] [*]6. [color=#A4F2F6][b]Sentimental[/b][/color] [list][*]1. Dead Pets [*] 2.Ghostly bicycle [*] 3. Photograph from the 1930s [*] 4. Antique locket with your picture in it [*] 5. Bloody Mary's mirror [*] 6. Grandma's wedding ring, still on her rotting finger[/list][/list][/hider]